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I hang up the phone and race down the stairs and out the door to find Spencer with a duffle bag in her arms, a backpack on her back, and tears in her eyes.

"My parents kicked me out. I have no where to go." She says. My heart drops, I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her, letting her cry into my shoulder.


[Olivia's POV]

"You can stay with me, it's ok. It's going to be ok." I said into her hair, her body shook with sobs. I brought her inside the theater. I made us both tea and we went up to my room. We both sat on my bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her, sipping on the warm herbal drink.

"I know that they are religious, and they are crazy conservative. I know that they didn't approve of any sexuality that isn't hetero but I thought.. I mean I'm their daughter! I thought that they loved me no matter what, that's what they always told me." Her voice shook, tears streamed down her face.

"You don't have anywhere else to stay?" I ask. "I mean I am fine with you staying with me but they actually just threw you out with no were to go?"

She shrugged and looked away from my eyes.

"Ok, I think you need to go to sleep, it's been a long day. When you wake up it will be a new start and you will have a fresh mind. You can shower when you wake up before school." I said.

She nodded and laid down on my bed, her eyes fluttered shut and I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to call Lin. I explained everything to him and then went back up to my room to shower.

I got in my bed next to Spencer, my hair slightly wet, I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sounds of our breathing in unison.

My alarm echoed throughout my bedroom the next morning, Spencer's arm was sprawled across my waist, my head laid on her chest. I sat up awkwardly, she woke up shortly afterward.

"Morning." She says and stands up to go shower in the bathroom.

I begin to get dressed putting on a large black tshirt dress, I tie a big vintage flannel around my waist and then put on my black doc martins. I put half of my up in a ponytail, my hair is crazy curly today.

I put on my usual makeup, brush my teeth, etc. Spencer finishes showering and changes into some clothes from her bag. She finishes getting ready, her short wet hair just barely touches her shoulders. I get a text from Lin that says.

Lin <3 : Hey I told the cast about what was going on with Spencer and to not be angry at her for harassing you this year. Jazz was supposed to get you today but since she's gone Groff will do it today.

I smile at my phone, bless Lin for telling the cast because I honestly cannot handle explaining the situation to anyone.

The 2 of us grab our bags and I make us both coffees then we head outside and get in Groff's car.

"Good morning, Ladies!" He says as we get into the car. "I'm Jonathon Groff." He says to Spencer.

"I know who you are, omg. I have been watching Glee since I was 10." She says excitedly. "I was more of a Finn fan, but Jessie was cool too."

"Oh no, you fell for the Finn trap.. I understand, I did too. Damn Cory Monteith was fine, may he rest in peace." Groff says, he pulls out from the curb and drives us to school. Once he drops us off Spencer and I head to class and talk for a while.

"So. Lexi's party is Saturday.. Do you still want to go or no?" I asked her. I would totally understand if a party would be to much for her to handle right now.

"Ya! I need something to take my mind off of everything.. Are you sure it's cool that I stay with you for a few days? Because I could like sleep on the subway or something if I really had to.." Spencer says.

"Spencer, I am more than happy to have you stay with me. Don't worry about it." I say.

Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed.

This chapter was written on the beach of a lake. My family dragged me out there and I didn't go in the water so I sat and wrote this.

fun fact yo : I am terrified of lakes and oceans. Every time I get in or go near one I can't breathe and almost feint. It is pretty ridiculous but ya, that's my biggest fear hahaaa.

Ok, I love you I love you I love you.

- aibhlinn

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