Chapter 3

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Skipping to Friday 

Nothing interesting happened over the couple of days. Today is Friday, and its last period. Which is Health. And as you can guess Jiraya is being perverted. I sighed as the bell rung. Everybody was glad to get out, well of course since its Friday. Sakura is having a party tomorrow, typical Sakura. 

But for me tomorrow is a nightmare. Why? Because it was the day of betrayal. I was at home, drawing a family. My mother, my father, my brother. My real family. We were all holding hands, and smiling. 

Suddenly I heard Sakura talking down stairs. I sighed, and decided to just lay down, and play the stereo. I didn't know how long I was listening, but I fell asleep.


I woke up, and it was 3 am. I walked out of the house as quietly as I could. I then walked. As I was walking, I picked white flowers. I then kept walking. 

I finally made it to my destination. The cemetery. I walked over to three graves. I put a flower on each grave. I then silently prayed. Father, brother, mother, I hope to join you soon. 

I turned around to walk away, but there I saw Sasuke. My eyes widened.

"Why are you here?" I asked coldly. He seemed to be in deep thought. 

"Why are you here to see the Hamadas?" Sasuke asked. 

"They were my family." Sasukes eyes widened.

"I thought they were all dead?" Sasuke asked. And I shook my head.

"I managed to survive." I said turning back to the graves. 

"It was a tragic accident." Sasuke said sincerely. I looked at him confused. Accident? Why would he say that.

"Accident? Ah, I see its the story they told the people." I said, and went back to looking at the graves. I could feel his glare from behind.

"Wait it wasn't an accident?" Sasuke asked, and I shook my head. 

"Then what happened?" Sasuke asked.

"Betrayal." I simply said.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked.

"We were all on our way to a restaurant, and our most trusted butler was driving. He had been with us before I was even born. But when we were on the highway, near a lake..." I began, and Sasuke looked interested, so I continued.

"He said that everyone wanted us dead, we were to powerful, and rich. And that he was working for another company, and was tired of our shit. That's when he crashed into a truck, and my door opened, but I remained in the limo. He then locked all the doors and drove into the lake, killing everyone, but me. I swam back, and I ran away." I said. 

"I can't believe that's what happened... And I can't believe your a Hamada." Sasuke said and I nodded. Sasuke started to walk away.

"Uchiha." I said, and he stopped, but didn't turn around.

"Tell anyone, and I will kill you." I said calmly, and he kept walking away. 

I waited an hour after talking with Sasuke, and left. Sakura was having a party today, so I didn't come inside by the door. Instead I climbed up a tree, and onto my window ledge. I opened the window, and came in. I heard loud noises from down stairs, but what else did you expect? 

I didn't feel like doing anything. Not today. It kinda makes me feel sick. Sakura is having a party as if she's mocking me. I just sat in my room, slowly remembering the past. All the events. I use to be a cheerful, and happy person, and I loved to be around people. But now? I avoid people, and I don't look cheerful nor happy.

Sometimes I think it would be better just to give up. But somehow I still manage to go on. I continued to lay on my bed. I didn't know what to do about life anymore. I finish high school, then what? Yea there is college, but what do I actually have in store for the future? 

I sighed as I heard a clicking noise coming from my window. I looked over and saw Sasuke.

"You know, there is that thing over there, that you can go through." I said pointing to the door. He smirked.

"What fun would that be?" Sasuke said, with his famous smirk. I just sighed once again, seeing it was useless. He came over and laid next to me. 

"Why are you here anyways?" I asked noticing he was carrying a back pack. He looked at me emotionless.

"I'm having family troubles, do you mind if I stay here?" He asked. I looked at him shocked. 

"Don't you have anybody else to live with, like you know, a guy?" I said. He sighed, and looked annoyed.
"Naruto is too loud and annoying, same goes for Lee and Kiba." He said. I glared at him. He glared back, not backing down. I sighed seeing it was useless, and he smirked.

"Fine." I said. 

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