Chapter 4: The Closet and New Town

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Hey everyone that is reading this I hope you are liking my book so far.


And I do not own 1D, Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf. I own Emily Tate,Tina Tate, Charlie Tate and some other character that i will add to the story and her past.

A/N SORRY I AM SOOO SORRY. i have not update in about 1 year i have been busy with school and my uncle died a couple weeks ago it have been really lacking in update i am sorrY.

 i have not update in about 1 year i have been busy with school and my uncle died a couple weeks ago it have been really lacking in update i am sorrY

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Emily POV:

It is Wednesday then I remembered I start school tomorrow. I ask my mom can i drive around town. After mom said yes, I grab my camera bag,my motorcycle keys and went down to garage and look around town I went to a coffee shop called The Joint and I pulled into the parking lot  I waited in line until it was my turn got myself a smoothie and a wrap I  went to go pay for the food and the guy at the counter said you look familiar and I said I new in town then he asked me for the name for the smoothie and food and I gave him my credit card and waited then I thought to myself I start school tomorrow


I woke up and had shower,brush my teeth and brush my hair. I walked in my closet and put on a blue and white flowery dress, white flower earrings blue high top heels. Did my make-up put my phone in a flower case got my purse in my backpack and my guitar case I told my mom I was leaving I love you Mom she said I love you too honey bye. I put all my items into my purple Chevy Camaro Mustang then I left out of the garage I want to the Joint got coffee, a muffin and a banana I paid got in my car and went to school I'm 30 minutes early to school I ate my food then looked at the clock it was 15 minutes to school started I got to my car and saw a beautiful baby blue jeep. I said in my self that is a beautiful car my Bluetooth started ringing I answer it it was my mom.
Mom & Em COV

Em: Hi mom.
Mom: Hey Em are you at school yet.
Em: Yes, you called while I was about to meet the principal.
Mom: Okay, bye Em love u.
Em: Bye mon love u too.

Are you ready Miss Tate said principal Terre I said to him what class is first he said Mr Harris. Did you know that he is my uncle. Mr Terre said no I did not what side of the family my my dad side okay here he opens the doors for me okay class this is Emily s Tate. I said to the class if there's any questions I will answer and please don't hesitate. One of the student says what does the S mean I said it means Salvatore another student asked is it Spanish no it is Italian it is my mothers, brother last name Damon and Stefan Salvatore then mr. H said is that all class everyone said yes sir. mr. H said you can sit next to Allison I said yes Uncle Harris. Mr. Harris said raise your hand Miss. Argent I went to go sit next to Allison. She said hi my name is Ali I can take you around school if you like and I said ok once classes over Allison show me to to her locker turns out she's next to me a strawberry hair girl came and ask who are you in a mean voice I looked at her and said in a sarcastic nice voice you came up to me me first rude then she said first of all my name is Lydia Martin, well I hi Lydia Martin my name is Emily s Tate. And that's what I know I knew friendship was about to happen.

A/N Hey everyone I am so sorry I haven't posted in like a year a lot of stuff went down and my uncle passed away and and I went off the deep end now is the summer time I have a laptop official laptop because my school laptop I had to give back but I'm not writing this on the laptop I am writing this on my phone at 2 in the morning because I was bored but I thought to myself I shouldn't give up on this book if you like the book that I'm writing so far please leave a suggestions if anything this was a book that I wrote a long time ago and I thought I should continue it it was in my dreams and I obsessed with Teen Wolf and Supernatural and Vampire Diaries and I might write a series about those because that's just ended but I just run out all the ideas that I had in my book and I just read this whole chapter stuff so please let me know what do you want differently leave me suggestions can somebody do me a trailer and make me have proper cover for this book because I don't know anything about that but hopefully like the book and everything and I'll talk to you guys later bye.

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