Chapter 6 Next week

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It's been a week since I arrived in Beacon Hills it's been really strange being back seeing all the old little details about it seemed a new things that people add to this town there's been another animal attack it was out of video store I haven't told Mom about my little flashback that I saw riving into the town with the boys I was just scared if it was real I went through my mom's stuff while she was at work cuz I got a strong feeling I found something on their bed this old book it look like her old diary I decided if I'm going to read it or not if I wanted to know the truth so i read what's in the book.

Dear diary,
It's been a week since Charles Hit Me he's been sleeping downstairs on the couch luckily Emily didn't know about the whole fight she was at her best friend's Lydia's house I'm scared to let her grow up in the world that I did that her father did the world is Supernatural what I am a witch and her father is a really strong Alpha and she's really strong she doesn't know it yet I saw her guy angry the other day telling her we couldn't go to the zoo because her dad was working late her eyes glowed purple luckily she didn't notice at all to go back to this picture perfect life wanting the best for my daughter but I don't know this is the best for at all.

Another entry:

It has been so long I wrote In This Book it's been a couple months who moved away Charles hasn't day or chatted contact us since I left them unconscious in our front room after what happened with Emily ever since I took away her memory of of what happened to the night she sings her father left her abandoned her I told her the truth and both of us did told her the truth about her and her supernatural abilities and once I told her about it she looks so scared and frightened so I took a little longer than night leaving little memory of Beacon Hills the place that she grew up well supposed to I grew up there her father was just supposed to be at once hopping through but he catch my eye I thought I loved him I thought we loved each other and we did until we turn into a monster Beast trying to make Emily evil use her powers for evil and what were you I love them I love them and ran away to Pennsylvania and his small house somewhere outside the main city and everything for her to be safe luckily she didn't miss beaconhills but she did miss her dad but she understand and she have to stay strong I have to get going I have to go pick up Emily from soccer practice.

A recent entry:
Emily stayed home from school today she was sick I want to go check up on her she left her laptop open and that's all that she entered into get a free posting from One Direction I want to move back to Beacon Hills bad I contact my brother Stefan and Damon compel the boys to let us use them as a cover-up I felt so bad but I need to do this for Emily she needs to come back to Beacon Hills she needs to find her true Heritage someday Den the boys gave me money to move out there and get the house decorated and furnished luckily they deal with all that they can help the boys and give him loads of money I just we're back in Beacon Hills and I'm working as a nurse that's what I love helping people and luckily one of my friends from the past Melissa McCall has a son maybe maybe this would be our silver lining.

I just got done reading this book I can't believe my mom lied to me all these years but I understand she had to protect me but she could have told me she suppress my powers my person that who I am I have a half brother named Isaiah and she never told me turns my father had an affair with another woman one of the reasons why they were fighting one day I'm going to find my brother the last thing I'm do turns out he's somewhere in Beacon Hills I need to find my father.

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