Chapter Eleven

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(A/N: Now the moment we've all been waiting for. This chapter will contain some Damiara , Damian and Kiara's ship name :-) Hope you enjoy!)

Recap: Raven opened a portal, looked back and gave us one more smile before entering the portal.

Supergirl's POV

Before Cyborg could enter the portal, Blue shoot something at the back of his neck causing the shadow to escape from his mouth before fainting.

"Get him inside." Starfire commanded. I moved from Robin's grasp and picked up Cyborg, which wasn't hard seeing as I have super strength, and flew to the tower with the other close behind.

2 hours later...

After Cyborg not moving for 2 hours I was about to leave him when I heard a groan and saw Cyborg opening his eyes.

"Think he's back online." Blue said

"Holy crap!" He shouted

"Did that sound demonic to anyone else?" Beast boy asked

"A little." Blue replied

"The things it made me see." Cyborg whispered

"Cyborg, how do we save Raven?" Starfire asks putting a hand on his shoulder

"I...I don't think you can." He replied. He turned his head to see Batman lying on a couch on the other side of the room with an oxygen mask on his face.

"Oh, no. How bad is he?" Cyborg asks standing up

"He's been out for 24 hours. He sacrificed himself, risked death to give us a fighting chance at life.
Which is more than I can say for the rest of the League." Damian explained looking down.

"Damian, this isn't the time to squabble. We have to get Raven back." Starfire said

"We don't even know where she is." Blue reminded us

Robin took out a holographic map.

"She's in the Middle East, 60 miles north of Kahndaq City." He answered

"How do you..." Beast boy started

"I put a tracer on her." Robin replied

"When?" I asked

"Same time I put one on each of you."

We all looked at Robin giving him annoyed glares.

"What?" he asked

Starfire turned to Cyborg asking him asking if there's anything else that could help us save Raven.I used that opportunity to sneak out of the room. Too much was happening for me; Raven's dad is a power-hungry demon, the justice league has been taken over by demonic shadows and now the world is in jeopardy.

'Just like Krypton.' Tears started forming in my eyes as the horrible memories came back. No Kiara you have to be stronger than this! Crying will only make it harder to move on.

"Kiara are you alright?"

I zipped around to see Robin behind me with a look of concern on his face.

"Y-Yeah I'm good." I quickly replied wiping my tears away.

"But you were crying, clearly its not and I'm not leaving until you tell me why." Robin said crossing his arms.

"Nothings wrong with me I'm fine." I lied

But Robin only stood there and raised his eyebrows not believing a word I was saying.

I knew I wasn't getting anywhere with this so I took a deep breath and started to explain how Krypton was dying and that my parents were part of the council and knew about what was happening. However me and my sister had no idea what was going on until one night our mum came into our room a look of horror on her face.

She ushered us to the escape pods. Clark aka Superman was already in his ready for launch. I was 5 at the time and both Kara and Clark were 15. We were all put into separate pods, I still wasn't aware of what was happening until we were launched into out-space. I looked out from the window to see that planet I love perish along with my parents, friends and family.

But it doesn't stop there because my pod was the last to leave the explosion knocked my pod off coarse and as we entered the Earth's atmosphere I wasn't able to land in the same area as my sister and Clark. Instead I crashed in a place called Jump City. For 5 years I wandered on the streets, until the Teen Titans found me and gave me a home. I couldn't be more gratefully when they practically saved my life.

Later on I found out that my older sister and cousin both 20 years old were also superheros in their own towns fighting crime and protecting the citizens. I couldn't be more prouder of my family.That's when I decided to join the Teen Titans and become Super girl.

Once I finished telling him my story I realized that I was full on crying.

"Sorry, for sharing my burdens with you." I said wiping my tears not being able to look at his face. "I'll understand if you think anything bad of me."

What happened next took me by surprise. Robin hugged me. What!?! His strong arms were wrapped around my waist tightly, as if afraid to let me go, my face buried in his shoulder. I blushed.

"D-Damian," I stuttered, "What are you doi-"

My eyes widened in surprise because Damian was....kissing me!

I knew at that moment I liked Damian. He suddenly pulled away his face beet red. I stood there trying to process what just happened his face showing disappointment.

"S-Sorry, I don't know what came over me." He said turning to walk away.

I sped forward so that I was in front of him.

"You know it's rude to steal a girl's first kiss then walk away." I said smirking.

"Wha-" He started but this time I didn't let him finish because I grabbed his collar and smashed my lips onto his. His face showed shock for a few seconds, then he wrapped his arms around me. The kiss was passionate and sweet I didn't want it to end but we pull away as we needed oxygen. Both our faces were cherry red. We smiled at each other.

" We should get back the other may be wondering where we are." Robin said


(A/N: Finally Damian managed to get his big boy pants on and kiss Kiara! Thanks again for reading my story! :-))

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