Chapter Fourteen

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Recap:  "Grandfather?"

"Wait Gradfather!?!"...

Supergirl's POV

'Grandfather? So this is Damian's grandfather. The Ra Al Ghul in the flesh...well sort of.'

"Damian, my blood." Ra said smiling creeply.

"It's a trick. I saw you die." Damian stated the grip on his sword tightening  not wanting to believe that the man he onced looked up to is standing right in front of him.

"No trick. It's me. I assure you. I exist. Lord Trigon is my sustenance." He reassured taking a small step forward. I quickly but gently moved Raven off me and put her arm around my shoulders and stood behind Damian ready to protect Raven as I didn't trust this man....or demon.

"He's a devil." Damian snarled.

"No. He's a god of necessity. How do you think I attained my power? Where do you think the Lazarus Pits came from? It's all his doing," both me and Robin looked at eachother wide-eyed before quickly turining our attention to Ra, "and he can make things whole again for a price. He can give us the world we wanted. You and I. A perfect world. They the only ones who stands in the way," Damian's grandfather stated pointing his sword at myself and Raven my eyes glowed red and my teeth bared ready to attack.

"Prove your love, Grandson. Take care of this for me. Before my pact with Trigon expires."

Raven looked away with shame and I looked at Robin with worry. That man is basically making him choose beween his friends or his family.

"I... I would do anything to bring you back, but, Grandfather, I don't..." Damian stuttered not sure of his dilema.

"You hesitate. Why? Are you afraid to do the one act that will restore me to life?" Ra taunted walking towards Damian until his sword was pointed directly at Ra's chest.

"I'm not afraid of anything." Damian snapped.

"You dare disobey me? Have you forgotten your heritage? You are an al Ghul." Ra shouted.

"No, I'm a Titan." He stated before slashing his sword at his grandfathers. Their intense fight began. I was about to go and help Damian but I felt a soft tug on my cape.

"No Kiara don't go....I need....your help...please take me to the...cyrstal." Raven croacked. I bent down and helped her walk towards the shattered remins of the crystal it was then I heard a demonic voice.

"Stupid girl. You think your allies can stop me now that I'm here? The Justice League, defenders of this realm, less than insects to me. I will strip bare the flesh from their bones. And your pathetic friends, I will make them suffer endlessly, and you will have to watch. Soon, your souls will belong to Trigon, as will your world."

In the distance I could here Damian and Ra Al Ghul's swords calshing against eachother. Each grunt and shout of pain that came out of Damian's mouth made me want to burn Ra with my laser eyes but I had to stay strong for my friends and Raven.

"Your friends have made you soft. Ungrateful child. You could have been immortal, like me."

As we reached the center of where the crystal was Raven suddenly collasped.

"Raven!" I cried. I could her Trigon's disturbing voice taunting her.

 "Give up. You're too weak to stop me, Raven. You always have been. Just like your mother!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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