Chapter One

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Mike is sitting alone in his home. Again. He is drinking something stronger than milk. His bad mood is in the air, so his band mate Davy can feel it, when he suddenly comes to the flat. "'Ello... Why are you drinking without me?" He laughs nervously.
"I don't feel good right now, sorry... Leave me alone"
"Man, you really have to pull yourself together, you won't be alone forever. You pretermit everything else. You know you have a band, yeah?"
"And you know this band haven't had a gig for two months" Nez rolled his eyes.
"We don't have to record all the time. It's just a break. It'll be fine"
"It'll be fine... How? Is there any good guy that's gonna see our potential and give us a chance?"
"You'll be surprised" Davie said confidently.
"Pff... I'll be waiting. Call me if you'll meet him"
"Goodbye then. I'm not bothering you anymore. But you need get hold of yourself. C'ya" Davy looks at Mike for a moment, sights and then gets out of friend's house. The sound of doors closing is the loudest sound in this small flat for the next hour. Hour filled with drinking and silently complaining about loneliness.

Mike feels that nothing can change his situation, although he doesn't even know, why does he feel so bad. He keeps drinking. At one point he feels something strange on top of his head. It... Tickles. His Wool Hat is moving. He hears whispers in his ear. Sweet and feminine.
"Miiikeee" At first, he ignores it. He is drunk, isn't he?
"Miiiiikeeeeeee" Noises are getting louder and louder, insistent and clear. Mike takes off hat and holds it. Clothing is moving in his hand like a living creature and it's hot like a living creature.
"I've drunk too much..." he thinks.
"Miiikeee, my dear" it says.
"I want to tell you something, my dear Mikeee" Mike is confused. He can't believe what's going on here.
"I've wanted to show myself for a long ago" She (?) says and stars her backstory about life in a clothing shop and how Mike bought her and changed Hat's life.
"And I can't stand pretending to be just a wool thing. Because, Mike... I LOVE YOU"
"You LOVE me? You're... eh... my wool hat. Don't you find it weird?"
"That's racist" said miffed Wool Hat. "Just because I'm a hat means that I don't deserve true love? Love isn't strange"
Mike pours another shot of drink. "You know... You may be right" He stands up and let all the memories with hat fill his mind. The happy memories.
"We should try" Wool Hat smiles.
"So" Mike asks "When did it start and why are you showing so late?"
If she had shoulders she would shrug it. "I don't know... I was ashamed... But now I can't hidemyself anymore! This day when you bought me was the best day in my life!"
"Yeah I remember that day" memories appears in his head again. There is silence that seems like ages to them. Mike doesn't know what to say nor do. This situation is completely new to him.
"So... what are we going to do now? I guess we can't leave it all like that"
"We can't..." Wool Hat blushes even more than before.

With no warning, they start to fall in a deep, slow kiss. Mike has a thousand butterflies in stomach, his heart is beating wildly as he kisses Hat and holds her tightly. He wants her to be him, and for Pete's sake, he totally fell in love with this clothing.


Finally! I wrote it!
Yeah, I know... I'm crazy...

But you know what?!

Truly I hope there are people as much crazy as I am, so somebody will read this XD

Peace ♥♥

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