Powers Revealed

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter because I never NEVER make long chapters. This chapter will be long. It might be VERY VERY LONG...for story reasons. Anyways, enjoy.)

The next morning, they all packed up and left back home. "Yesterday was too weird,"Jin said. "I'll say,"V and Jimin said. Slowly and slowly, Suga asked,"Why do we have to walk home? TO WALK HOME, I'M TIRED!" J-hope said,"To get a good exercise." "Exercise my ass, I'm fucking exhausted,"Leona said. Lunya looked up. "How is that boulder not even rolling if it's at the ledge?"she wondered pointing at it. Jungkook replied,"Umm science duh." "Hey, sometimes it's not science, it's just the way it stopped,"Natalie said. Rap Monster rolled his eyes,"Stop fighting about the stupid boulder, it's not like it's gonna roll down towards us." Everyone gasped. "You jinxed it,"Lunya said. J-hope pointed at him,"Because of you, the boulder is gonna roll down towards us and crush us!" "Thanks a lot, your gonna kill us,"V said. V hugged Natalie,"If the boulder rolls down on us, you run as fast as you can and I'll protect you."
"That's sweet, babe, but I wouldn't want you to die either, so your running with me,"Natalie said. They all argued with Rap Monster and then Jungkook heard something. "SHUT UP!"Jungkook yelled. Everyone stopped yelling at looked at Jungkook. "Don't you guys hear that?"Jungkook asked. Everyone stayed quiet and started to hear it. "It's sound like.."Jimin said. They all saw the Boulder rolling down and going towards them. "A BOULDER!!"Natalie yelled pointing at it. They all started to run as fast as they can away from it. "FUCK YOU,JINXER!"Jin yelled at Rap Monster as Jin was running behind everyone. Suga motioned Jin to run faster. Jungkook  yelled,"RUN FASTER, YOUR GONNA DIE IF YOU DON'T!" "WELL THAT'S A BIT HARSH!"Jin yelled. Everyone looked behind at Jin. "JINNNN!"Leona yelled pointing at the boulder that was getting too close to Jin. Jin looked behind him and yelled,"Oh shit!" He was touched his bracelet and said,"I just got this, but at least I died with whatever this does." All of the sudden, they heard nothing. They all stopped and look behind them. Jin was still alive and they saw that there was a forcefield around him that stopped the boulder from rolling and killing him. Jin wasn't looking, but then he opened his eyes and looked in around him. "Woah, I'm still alive,"He said surprised. He look around him and saw a forcefield around him and his hands. He looked at everyone else, but they were shocked and had nothing to say. Rap Monster walked up to Jin and looked at his Hammer Necklace. Rap Monster touched it while telling Jin how cool Jin made a forcefield. Rap Monster was reaching to grab Jin's hand to run fast from it. Instead, the boulder started to move. Rap Monster was getting confused. He started to move his hand up and then the boulder went up. Everyone was in shock and said nothing. Jin put his hand down and the forcefield turned off. Rap Monster moved the boulder on the ledge and dropped it and it fell. "I think we have superpowers you guys,"Rap Monster said. "You guys have superpowers, WE don't,"V said crossing his arms. Lunya said,"We're just regular people, YOU guys are superheroes." Jin and Rap Monster high-fived each other,"Yay, we rule." "Shut up, braggers,"Suga said. They all walked away. They kept walking and then a branch fell. It was gonna hit J-hope, but then, J-hope ran super fast past the branch and it didn't hit him. The others stopped before they got it. "How da?"Jungkook wondered. J-hope looked amazed and looked down at his shoes,"I GOT SUPER SPEED!" "UGHHHHH!!!"Jimin yelled going over the branch. "They got superpowers but we didn't,my ass,"Leona murmured. "What?"Lunya asked. Leona shook her head,"Nothing, just thinking out loud.

(Narrator: Eventually, Rap Monster, Jin, and J-hope found out the rest of their powers. For Jin, he found out when someone got hurt and he healed them and then he powered up Rap Monster's powers when he was losing it. For Rap Monster, he just broke stuff too easily, so they had to tie this hands, so he wouldn't break anything when he touched his hammer necklace. For J-hope, he just got it to stay out of his own danger. Back to the story.)

They were all at home and Suga was very very bored. He kept touching and feeling his necklace. It seemed to be glowing whenever he touched it. "Cool,"He thought. Jungkook and Leona sat next to him and Jungkook was on his phone. "Haha, look hyung, it's you before debut,"Jungkook said showing Suga what he looked like when Suga was young. Suga widened his eyes then he was trying to take his phone but when he tried, Jungkook got in the way of Suga's hand and Suga make Jungkook fell asleep. Suga looked at his hands then looked at Jungkook. Leona just stared at Jungkook. Leona looked at Suga's hand. "What the fuck,"Suga said. "What happen?"Lunya came asking. Leona pointed at Suga's hand, then Jungkook. "Jungkook's just sleeping,"Jimin said. Rap Monster came in the room,"Someone take this tie off I will only activate my powers by holding my necklace okay." Jimin rolled his eyes,"Fine, but hold on, I want to look like a nerd doing it."

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