The Frozen One

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Everyone was playing at the arena. They were talking and watching Jimin and J-hope fight. "Not fair, you can speed,"Jimin said. "It's my powers,"J-hope said. "Who bet Jimin is gonna win?"Jin asked. V was the only one who raised his hand. "Really?"V asked. "J-hope has speed,"Leona said. "He can get away from Jimin's power,"Natalie said. "That is true,"Rap Monster said. "Yea, J-hope can teleport, so he can teleport before Jimin's powers come to him,"Lunya said. Jungkook stood up and asked,"I'm going to go train, anyone want to come?" "I will,"Suga said. Jungkook and Suga went back to the hideout and into their training stations. They turned on the holograms and selected out how they wanted the holograms to be. They started the training and everyone else came in. "I knew that J-hope would win,"Gemini said. "I was close to winning,"Jimin said. J-hope scoffed,"Sure, sure you were." "Well, let's get training,"V said. Everyone went to whatever station they needed to improve on. They kept training for a while. Jungkook got out of his station and said,"I'm going to go outside."

"Be careful,"Leona said. "I always am,"Jungkook said. Leona came out and kissed him before he left. Leona went back to her station when he left and started training again. Jungkook went out of the house and put in his headphones and started listening to music. He started walking around the area and the nature around him. "I NEED to go to a Big Bang concert, I NEED to see G-Dragon,"Jungkook thought. As he was walking, someone punched him. He took his headphones out and wondered,"What the hell, dude?"  He looked in front of him and saw a guy. He had a lot of red on him. "Red Ice, I'm supposed to kill you for sure,"The guy said. "Not if I could stop it,"Jungkook said as he transformed. Jungkook dropped his headphone and phone on the ground and started to fight. Jungkook used his fire blast and it harmed Red Ice a little. "What the fuck?"Jungkook wondered. Red Ice formed ice with his hand and started to make an ice sword. Red Ice swung it at Jungkook and very quickly, Jungkook took out his flame sword and swung it at the ice sword.

Jungkook's flame sword started melting the ice sword. "Ha!"Jungkook said. Red Ice smirked as he started changing the atmosphere and made everything around him cold. Jungkook put his flame sword back and backed up. He started to feel very cold. "Don't get too ahead of yourself,"Red Ice said. Red Ice blasted a chuck of ice, but Jungkook dodged it. The atmosphere went back to normal. Jungkook shot fire out of his eyes and harmed Red Ice. Red Ice ran and punched Jungkook in the stomach. Jungkook stumbled back. Jungkook took out a lighter and set a fire on the ground. Jungkook made the fire as big as he wanted it to be and moved it over to Red Ice. It was burning Red Ice, but it stopped and Red Ice wasn't dead. Jungkook's eyes widened,"HUH?!?!" Jungkook slowly backed up. Red Ice started to laugh evilly. Jungkook's eyes widened even more as Red Ice blasted the ice chuck and it hit Jungkook and made him frozen. Red Ice snickered as he ran away. Jungkook was now frozen.

{At the mansion}
"You guys, I sense something,"Lunya said. "What do you sense?"Gemini asked. "Leona, Jungkook is in very bad danger,"Lunya said. "What?!?!"Leona asked surprised. "We have to go now,"Jimin said. Everyone quickly ran out of the hideout and out of the house and went to go find Jungkook.

{Back to Jungkook}
Jungkook was still frozen. Eventually, the crew found him. All of them widened their eyes and stayed still of what they saw. Leona screamed as a tear ran down. "He's frozen!"Leona said loudly. "How did this happen?"Natalie asked. Jin said,"I think Jungkook was fighting his main enemy." Rap Monster took out the manual and started to read it. "Well, the main enemy for ice and water is Red Ice,"Rap Monster said. "What does he do?"V asked. Rap Monster kept reading it and it took too long, so Gemini took the manual,"I got this." Gemini started to read and said,"Well, Red Ice is very strong and his powers are Frost Bite, Ice Mold, and Atmospheric Change." "Frost Bite must've froze him,"J-hope said. "Does it say how to unfreeze someone?"Lunya asked. "Yea, it says to unfreeze someone, you have to either break it or melt it,"Gemini said. "Guys, let's bring him home,"V said. Everyone picked him up and J-hope flashed everyone back to the house and into the hideout.

They set Jungkook on the floor standing up. "We haven't even planned on how to melt him fully and quickly,"Leona said. "Your right,"Jimin said. "Well, we're gonna need a drill to break the ice,"Lunya said. "And Leona, you can use your power absorb to absorb Jungkook's Fire Blast, so you can melt it quickly,"Natalie said. "But how is she? She can't reached into the block of ice and absorb it,"Rap Monster said. "The drill. We can drill a hole to the wrist of Jungkook's arm and Leona can absorb his power,"Suga said. "That's good,"Jin said. "Well, I guess we got our way to melt him,"V said. "Alright,"Lunya said. They started to gather the stuff they needed to melt him, like the manual and the drill and whatever else they needed. They were thinking of trying to read the manual first more, so that's what they did until they can understand the whole book.

(A/N: Jungkook is frozen oh no. Time to melt. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Stay tuned for more. Later y'all ✌🏼️)

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