Light Mishap

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"Are your feeling better, Jungkook?"Jin asked. Jungkook looked at Jin and nodded,"Feeling much better." Jungkook was dry and he was able to use his powers again. "Sweet, my powers are back,"Jungkook said as he used his heat vision. "That's good, your better now,"Suga said. "Training?"Gemini asked. "Sure,"Lunya said. Everyone went into wherever they wanted to go besides the arena. They were training and training for a long time. Some of them were working on their combat skills with the mannequins and some were working out. Gemini, Lunya, and Natalie were playing with the virtual reality. Leona was training in her station. Everyone was doing at least something, having to do with training. They were training for at least an hour. "I'm gonna make something for you guys to eat,"Jin said. "Got it,"Jimin said as he kept training. J-hope and Rap Monster went to the fridge and grabbed the last Gatorade. "I touched it first,"Rap Monster said. "I wanted it first,"J-hope said. "I opened the fridge first,"Rap Monster said. "I thought of it first,"J-hope said. "I can punch you first,"Rap Monster said as he showed his fist.

"Okay, you can have it, geez,"J-hope said as he walked away. Rap Monster smirked as he opened it and drank it,"Suck it." V and Jungkook stopped training and went to the lounge. "Why aren't y'all training?"Leona asked. V fanned his face with his hand,"I'm exhausted." "We were on the treadmill for an hour,"Jungkook said. "Why didn't you guy go to another station?"Natalie asked as she walked next to Leona. "Remember, exhausted,"V said. "Fine, you can rest,"Leona said. Lunya took off the headset and said,"I think I'm gonna go outside and take a walk." "Alright, be careful,"Suga said. "I'm always careful because I'm awesome and very strong,"Lunya said. "Alright, just be safe of what happens."Gemini said. "Got it,"Lunya said as she got out of the hideout. Lunya went outside and started taking pictures of the sunset. "These are nice pictures,"Lunya said as she looked at all the pictures she took. She went up to a beautiful flower and took a picture of it. "These are good,"Lunya said. Lunya kept walking around as she was taking pictures. A woman came came up to Lunya.

She looked very bright. "My name is Dia,"The woman said. "Lunya,"Lunya introduced. Lunya started to sense,"This woman is from Death Wish. I better kill her before she kills me." Lunya put her shades on quickly and transformed. "Hehe, glad to see you in your superhero form,"Dia said as she transformed into her super villain form,"My other name is Lady of Light and also I'm your main enemy, so I'm stronger than the other enemies." "And my name is Dark Wrath,"Lunya said. Lunya used her dark magic to harm Lady of Light with harmful shadows. Lady of Light made a large forcefield and pushed away the dark shadows. "I'm stronger than I look,"Lady of Light said. "Yea whatever, I'm gonna defeat you,"Lunya said. Lunya used her dark magic to use the telekinesis. She used it to bring a leftover brick that was lying on the ground from construction site and made it hit Lady of Light's head. Lunya used the brick until Lady of Light fell to the ground. Lady of Light used light to blind Lunya. "Ah. What the fuck?"Lunya said as her vision was bright. Lady of Light smirked as she ran and punch Lunya multiple times.

Some were blocked by Lunya's sense of where Lady of Light was gonna hit her. Lunya was in pain from the punches, so she used her pain absorption. Lady of Light made a box full of unlimited light around her and Lunya. It was very bright. "Aish. Light. It's everywhere,"Lunya said disgusted,"Time to bring out my scythe." Lunya took out her scythe as she started to look around. Her vision was very bright. It was getting even brighter and harder to see, but she saw a little of Lady of Light. She ran towards the Lady of Light as the Lady of Light took out her light sword.
(A/N: Btw, for each main enemy that has a weapon, I'll put the picture up. So, here's the light sword. I just thought doing that for the main enemies' that has weapons, so sorry that I didn't put an ice sword. Also, because I couldn't find an ice sword. Anyways, the light sword.)

Lady of Light and Lunya started have a sword to scythe fight

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Lady of Light and Lunya started have a sword to scythe fight. Lunya was using both of the hooks and trying to find her way to kill Lady of Light.

Lunya was using her sensing to find her way to kill Lady of Light and to find direction where the light sword was going towards, so Lunya knows where to block with her scythe. Lady of Light stabbed Lunya in the leg. but it was a weak stab.  "Boi, that didn't even hurt,"Lunya said. Finally, Lunya stabbed Lady of Light twice with her scythe and kicked her with the leg that wasn't wounded. Suddenly, the unlimited light box started to fade away. When the box disappeared, Lunya's vision was still very bright and she tried to find her way home. She finally found her way home, limping a little and went down in the hideout. Everyone stared at her as she looked around. "Are you okay?"Leona asked. "My vision is really bright,"Lunya said. "Set her down on the bed or sofa or whatever you call it,"Suga said. Jungkook and Gemini brought her to a bed and laid her down. "I'll heal your leg and your bruises and scratches,"Jin said as he started to heal her. "What about her eyes?"Natalie asked. "She said her vision is really bright,"Jimin said. "That will take some time to heal,"Jin said as he was finishing the healing. "She probably needs some rest and then she'll feel better,"Rap Monster said. "Did you kill your main enemy?"J-hope asked. "Yea,"Lunya said. "She killed the Lady of Light which is very surprising because of the unlimited box,"V said. "Well, she's very strong,"Leona said."Get some rest, Lunya, so you'll recover,"Jungkook said. "Hope you recover well,"Suga said. "Alright,"Lunya said as she took off her shades and put them somewhere safe near her. Lunya started to close her eyes as she fell asleep and started to recover from the fight.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for more. Later ✌🏼️)

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