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     Vincent just stalked me while he ate... I dont know what he was eating. You quickly ate your (fav lunch) and threw away your trash. You sat back down, since it was still lunch. Vincent keep stalking you. Creep, you said in your head. Creep. As if he had heard you, he got up. He sat at your table right next to you. You started to sweat. Vincent asked What is the matter, you scared of something. He smiled, already knowing you were scared of him.

    Nothing you said quickly. Vincent look even more deeply into you (eye color) eyes. You sweated even more. Then all of a sudden, Mr.Malcums voice was heard on the speakers. Lunch Break over for Vincent,( your name), Gary, and Sam. You asked Vincent, who is Gary and Sam? Vincent said, They do the same job  as us, watching kiddos. Bye hottie, Vincent said as he walked to a chair across the hall, sat down, and started watching kids. While glancing at you every once and a while.

     You went back to the chair you sat at for watching kids. You just watched. You quickly pulled out your phone and put Vincent in your contacts. When it was finally 12:00pm, your work was over. You pulled out your keys and walked to your car. You quickly got in, and drove home.

        At home...

      You made yourself some (fav dinner) and ate it. You were not excited to go to work tommorow. First, you had to get up at 6:30 am. Which you were not use to. Second, a stalker would be there, watching, always watching. You cleaned up your plate, and cleaned your tiny apartment kitchen. You took a shower, and got in some p.j.s. You layed down on your king size bed, got under the sheets and covers, and fell asleep.

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