I'm Sorry

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You eat your toast, but you have to know. Vincent, you say. Yes?, he asks. Did...did you kill those 5 kids those years ago...you ask wishing you didn't. Vincent stays still. After a while he starts buttering his toast. Of course not, love, why would you think I do that? he asks with a grin.

I...I had a nightmare, you say. About what? he asks. Vincent sits across from you. You tell him the nightmare. Vincent's face turns very gray. Are you ok? you ask. Im...im fine, but why do you think I would do that to YOU, he asks. YOU you say in your head, Vincent did you do it, you scream at him. Vincent, stays still. Calm down, he says. YOUR NOT ANSWERING ME!!! you yell. You start to fell sleepy. You notice Vincent is trembling as he takes out the syringe from you. I'm sorry.

You wake up at your house, all your stuff is there, even a note. You read it.

I'm sorry I had to knock you out, I didn't want to because, first of all I didn't want to hurt you,second I'm...I'm scared of needles. I hope you can forgive me.

                                             Love, Vincent

                P.S. I told work about your fit, so you got a week off of work.(your welcome)

You stare at the paper. Then you place it on your bed. Did...did he do it? you ask yourself.

Him a murder, no, yes,NO, he didn't do it, he would not kill 5 children. You drive to Vincent's house. You knock on the door. Hi, he says. Im sorry that I freaked out earlier, you say. That ok, he says.  You kiss Vincent on the cheek, and go to your car. Then you drive home.

I Love You(Purple Guy x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora