New York New York

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*1190 words
We arrived in New York City a few hours later. Heading towards my aunts house we drove past the Beacon Theatre, the Richard Rogers Theatre, the Amsterdam Theatre, and the Music Box Theatre. We pulled up to my aunts townhouse and saw her come running down the stairs.
I opened my door to be greeted by my aunt.
"I've missed you so much Cassie, New York is never the same when you leave us."
"I've missed you too Aunt Danielle"
I got out of my car to hug her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me close.
"Boy do I have news for you. We have some Broadway stars that live in a townhouse about a block away from here. They work in the Amsterdam Theatre and the Richard Rogers Theatre. Cass that's your dream calling, being able to work in those theatre's."
"Can we talk about this later Aunt Danielle? I really just want to get this stuff into the house and then we can talk over dinner down at that Italian place we only go to when it's just us."
"And drink wine till we can't see anything?"
"Exactly! So let me bring this is and we can go have Italian."
"Alrighty. Come on Charlie, come on"
Charlie jumped out of my car and waddled up the stairs to her house with my aunt leading the way. I opened my trunk and grabbed my two suitcases plus another bag on my shoulder. I set the suitcase down and closed the lid to my trunk. With two suitcases in my hand I let out a breath and walked into my home sweet home for next few months.
I walked up the steps that led into the townhouse on the upper west side of New York City.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door. The smells of Pumpkin and cinnamon engrossed my senses. I looked at my aunt who was back into the kitchen. Her body moved with the music that was playing from the radio as she stirred the mysterious liquid that was in the pot on the stove.
"Where's Uncle Michael?"
"He must still be in his study I'm guessing.."
I felt a pair of hands land on my shoulders and turn me around.
"My favorite Cassie."
"My favorite uncle, I've missed you."
"Ive missed you too. But now you're back home."
"You're right it feels good to be back."
"Your aunts been telling me about you wanting to be on Broadway? When did that happen?"
"Uhm when I turned 5. I figured out that I had talent to offer and I just kinda let it go from there."
"I believe in you kid. I really do, I think you could take Broadway by storm. You know they're having auditions next Friday, we could help you prepare an audition piece, if you want? Considering it's only Monday you have a week and a four days."
"Oh my goodness that'd be fantastic yes please thank yo- wait. Whose we?"
"No problem kiddo. We as in a friend of mine. He's been asking questions about you and he's wanted to meet you since I showed him a video of your senior college recital."
"Yeah of course no problem! I wouldn't mind some pointers and comments from other people, not that I don't mind your comments don't get me wrong. I just want more of an outsiders view besides family."
"Of course that's why I want him to come, I also think you guys will really hit it off."
"Oh well, I'm not exactly looking for a relationship at the mome-"
"You're 33 years old Cass. You need to think about kids and having a life."
"I get it I get it, I'll do some looking."
"Sweetie before we go out for supper would you be okay with running to the store for me? We need more milk, coffee beans, chocolate, sugar, flour-"
"Those are the ingredients for you chocolate espresso cake."
"Would you be okay with going to the store to get them? That'd be so helpful so I can keep cleaning the kitchen."
"No problem Danielle. Do you want me to take the car? Isn't the store like halfway downtown?"
"Nope it's just down two blocks and then take a left. Its the first store you see to your left. "
"Thank you sweetie! I love you!"
"I love you too. I'll be back in a few"
I grabbed my phone and stuffed it into my back pocket. Aunt Danielle handed me $50 and a kiss to my forehead. I opened the front door and walked down the steps.

I walked down the first block and noticed music from all different eras playing. From salsa music to calypso this block had it all. I looked at the different families smiling, laughing and having the time of their lives. I kept watching and not paying attention to where I was until I felt my body come to a stop. I looked up to see this man looking back at me. I looked into his solid chocolate brown eyes as he looked into my hazel eyes.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't even watching where I was going, completely my fault. I dropped everything you were hold-"
"It's truly no problem I wasn't exactly watching either."
We both let out a small chuckle.
"You look a bit lost. Do you need any help? I know this area like the back of my hand."
"Actually I'm just trying to figure out how to get to this store. My Aunt wanted me to go to for groceries."
"I know exactly where you're going. I'll show you the way."
"You truly don't have too, I can figure it out for myself."
"Nope there's no questioning it. I am at your service. And besides I want to help you."
He smiled at me as he took my hand and set off towards the market.
We arrived a few short minutes later and I let my hand come back to my body.
"Well thanks for showing me the way. I really appreciated it."
"It was uh no big deal I had fun showing you the last block and a half."
We both started laughing as I walked closer to the store.
"Maybe I'll see you around?"
"Yeah, maybe."
I smiled at him as his cheeks turned red. He turned around and started to walk back towards the direction we just came from.

I got back from the store a few minutes later and placed the items on the counter. Charlie made his way towards me and jumped up my legs
"Hi baby boy. How's mamas baby?"
He barked and got down again.
"Oh good you're home there's someone your uncle wants you to meet."
I walked out into the sitting room
to see A guy with his hair down was having a glass of wine with my uncle. He turned around and a pair of chocolate eyes met mine. He smiled warmly and looked at me up and down.
He walked closer and stopped right in front of me.

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