Meet The Cast

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*1049 words
Today was the day that I got to meet the rest of the cast. I was nervous, and scared and very very happy.
I woke up feeling energized which was the first time in a long time. I looked at my phone to see a text from my amazing boyfriend Lin. Which yes, felt very good to say that.
Good morning love. I realized that today you are meeting the rest of the cast, to which give my best regards to James Monroe Ingelhart.
Text me whenever your done.
Love you Cass
Good morning Lin. I also realized that today you are meeting with Lacamoire today to work on music to which I give my best regards to you.
I'll text you the second we get done.
Love you Lin
I got out of bed and got dressed in a pair of leggings and a Harvard sweatshirt from my brother. I threw my hair into a bun and pulled on a pair of converse.
I grabbed my wallet, phone and cars jets, proceeding to walk out of the house and to my car. I looked over to see Lin in a pair of jeans, King's College sweatshirt and converse walking over to his car. I waved slightly as he did it too.
I got into my car and started it up, backing out of the driveway and onto the road.
I pulled into the drive through of Starbucks and got my mocha caramel grande coffee with a blueberry scone.
I headed towards the Rockerfellar building with my breakfast in hand. I opened the front doors to see a lady sitting in a desk.
"You must be Cassandra, Casey told me to look for you. Right this way."
I got escorted into a business meeting room where several other people were.
"In here Miss Cassandra,"
She opened the door and led me inside where I saw the same people who auditioned.
"And there's our Jasmine."
I smiled as people clapped there hands.
"Cassie you can sit up here by Adam and James."
The two gentlemen in front waved at me. I walked up and took a seat next to them. I tapped James on the shoulder.
"Hey do you know Lin Manuel Miranda?"
He looked at me as his eyes got wide.
"I haven't seen Lin in forever! Tell him I said hi!"
"He wanted me to give his best regards to you."
"Well that's awfully kind of him."
Casey began to talk again explaining how rehearsals would work and where they would be.
"Now starting tomorrow, rehearsals start at 6:30 in the morning."
Groans were heard throughout the room.
"Breakfast will start at 9. Everyone gets it at the same time and is the same amount of time."
"Now everyone go and talk mingle and be happy."
I got up from my chair and walked over to Adam and James.
"Hi guys."
"Hey Cassie."
"Hello Cassie."
"This is really strange to me."
"Why never been with a prince before?"
Man this kid is a snob.
"Adam where are your manners, seriously."
I looked at James and thanked him.
"It's okay I have multiple brothers, I've dealt with this before."
"He isn't usually like this, trust a genie. And besides if you have any problems or issues you've got a friend in me."
I walked up to James and gave him a hug.
"So how do you know Lin?"
We took a seat by the table and talked while we drank our coffees.
"Uhm he used to give me singing lessons to prepare me for the audition. I've actually known him for a long time it feels like. My friend Alex Lacamoire used to tell me about him during college."
"You know Alex Lacamoire?"
"Yup he used to be my pianist during high school and college."
"He's fantastic."
"He truly is."
We started to talk about Alex and Lin. I started to smile as I talked about our adventures all over the city.
"Wait is your aunt the Danielle Reynolds?"
"Yes she is!"
"I love her costumes!"
"She actually has been signed on to do the costumes for She Loves Me."
"With Gavin Creel?"
"The one and only."
We both started laughing as Casey called everyone back to the table.
"Alright everyone this meeting is over, report back here tomorrow. I hope you got to meet some people."
We started to leave the theatre as James walked with me back to the cars. I felt my phone buzz for the fiftieth time.
How's the meeting babe?
I miss you
I love you
Oh that's right you can't answer your phone this is gonna be fun.
I'm currently dancing around my house singing at the top of my lungs our song.
Wait do we even have a song?
I think we need to have a song.
Cassie I'm only an elected official I can't make these decisions by myself.
Lin when I come home I'm going to come to your house and kill you.
I Love you?
I love you too
Are you done yet?
No Lin that's why I'm texting you.
Yes we're done, we've been done for 5 minutes.  now I need you to stop so I can drive.
Be safe x.
I will babe x.
I put my phone done and started the car. I pulled out and started to head home. I pulled in front of Lin's house and stopped my car.
"Lin I'm home?"
He came running from nowhere and trapped me in a hug.
"I missed you too."
He unhinged his arms and brought me over to the couch.
"How was it?"
"Well Aladdin is a snob and James is fantastic!"
"James is a very good friend of mine, he'll definitely stand up for you if you end up in trouble."
"Hey how did the meeting with Lac go?"
"Well we mostly talked about you so very little got done."
He looked at me and brought his hand up to his face.
"I'm kidding!"
I turned his face so he was looking at me.
"Lin, lin, lin, Lin, Li-"
He pushed his lips against mine to shut me up.

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