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Rehearsals started early the next few days meaning it was going to end at a somewhat decent time. I sat in my dressing room scrolling through my Twitter feed. Lin was tweeting about Hamilton and upcoming ideas.
Where are you?
In my dressing room, why?
I have a surprise for you. Be prepared.

And that was the end of that conversation.
I walked out of my dressing room to see James and Adam running down the hallway.
"Cassie run!"
Adam and James both grabbed my hand as we sprinted towards the main door to the theatre.
"Hurry up Cassandra!"
We busted through to doors to see Casey standing with his arms crossed.
"Good everyone's here, now we can finally start rehearsals."
I looked at the two of them as they were laughing their heads off at my reactions.
We immediately jumped into Friend Like Me. Thomas told us this was the main thing for the day so I went back into my dressing room grabbed my laptop, headphones, and phone out into the house and took my seat in the middle of the theatre. I pulled my hood on over my head and started to write the interview questions I was going to ask Lin.
My phone started to buzz in my lap.
I put my phone away as James began to do his little solo of all the Disney songs.
The doors to the theatre had opened quietly shedding some light into the house.
I turned around to see Lin holding a bag walking in my direction.
"Hi babe."
He had whispered against my temple.
"Please tell me this is Chicken Salad and grapes."
I opened the bag to see Chicken Salad and grapes plus a brownie from the bakery.
"You're the best."
I looked down to see a bag of green grapes which were my favorite.
"These aren't even in season?!"
Lin smiled and looked at his watch.
"Well considering it's now 1 in the afternoon and I ventured to a farmers market this morning, they're still in season."
"I love you."
He leaned over and kissed my temple.
"So what are they doing?"
I continued to eat my sandwich as James and Adam danced on stage.
"Well right now they are in the middle of Friend Like Me. But in about two hours they will be doing A Whole New World which means I need to go get ready and dressed. You can come with me though."
"I need to go meet with Alex in a bit but I'll come chill for a few."

I grabbed my bag that was down by my seat placed my laptop inside. My headphones were around my neck as my phone and lunch were in my hands. Lin had taken the bag that said Aladdin in big gold letters. I took him to the backstage as we wandered through the halls to my dressing room. I opened the door to see my costumes hanging up along the side of a wall. I had a couch set up in the back with a tv on the other wall. I placed my bag on the couch and went over to my mirror. I looked to see Lin checking out my pink themed bed against the other wall. He walked over and laid down on the bed.
"Cassie Reynolds please come to the stage, A whole new world is about to begin."
"That's my call."
"Hey I'm gonna head out to meet with Alex but I'll see you home?"
"Yeah I'll be over once rehearsal is done. If I'm grumpy I'm so sorry."
"It's fine babe, we'll watch Disney movies and I'll sing along to every single song even when you tell me to stop."
He got off of the bed and walked over to me. I grabbed the sides of his face. He wrapped his arms around my face and brought his forehead against mine.
He kissed my forehead, nose, then lips.
"I love you."
I whispered against his lips.
"I love you too."
"Cassie Reynolds final call please come to the stage."
"I need to go, But I'll see you soon."
I gave Lin a final kiss and walked out of my dressing room.

We had finally finished A Whole New World and was about to begin the reprise for Proud Of Your Boy when the theatre doors flung open to reveal Lin, Daveed, Oak, Leslie, Jon, Renée, Anthony, Jasmine, and Philippa all walking through the middle isle towards the stage.
Everyone from the wings and backstage had  all come out and gathered on the stage.
Jon had emerged dressed as a king and said,
"My servants, I am King George the third. The cast of Hamilton An American Musical have challenged you to a Duel of Karaoke. If you wish you accept please come to the Richard Rogers Theatre tonight at 9:30 and dress accordingly. All music will be presented, so don't get shy if it comes to your jams. The rules will be announced tonight once you've arrived. My fellow king Alexander Hamilton will now say something."
Lin had come forward and started to explain the idea and how it was going to work but never said the rules.
"Thank you George. Good people of Aladdin we wish no harm only a friendly competition between the two casts. Everyone will go against everyone between the cast. Now Aladdin can't go against Aladdin and Hamilton can't go against Hamilton. At the end of the night the winners will be announced. We wish you luck if you are willing to accept. As long as you aren't...scared."
I rolled my eyes at Lin and looked at Adam.
"You down?"
"I'm down."

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