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*1152 words
I got back from Lin's and headed into my room changing into a pair of shorts and a shirt. I pulled my hair into a bun on the top of my head. I kept the necklace on that Lin had put on. I smiled as I felt the charm on my neck. I walked over to the balcony window and saw Lin in the backyard wearing a pair of dirty jeans and a white tank top. His black hair pulled into a ponytail. I walked out onto the balcony and watched Lin talk with my uncle and aunt. I smiled as they all laughed between themselves. I walked out of my room and down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I walked out to the backyard to see Lin looking at me and smiling. The corner of his eyes crinkling.
"There's our girl.
"Lin was just talking to us about you and how great of a dancer you are!"
"Oh was he?"
I looked at Lin as he smiled and kept working on the car.
"He told us that you basically swept him off the dance floor."
More like he swept me off the dance floor.
"What was that?"
I looked over at Lin as he started to crack up.
"well I need to go to the-"
I looked to see Lin holding his head.
"Are you okay?"
He took his hand away and I saw a cut across his forehead.
"Well what did you do?"
"I'm not sure but this hurts."
"Come on let's get you cleaned up."
I took his hand and brought him into the bathroom.
I opened the mirror to look for the first aid kit. I sat on the counter and had Lin standing in front of me as I took out some of the medicine.
"This is going to hurt."
I spread it across his forehead as he suppressed trying to not let out a yelp.
"Okay plain bandaid or Mickey Mouse?"
"Mickey Mouse!"
I grabbed the Mickey bandaid and placed it across his forehead.
"There, all better."
"Thanks Cassie."
"Now I'm going to help you."
He placed his hands on my waist and lifted me off the counter. We were a few inches apart. We stood there and just kinda looked at each other.
I chuckled at him.
"Hi Lin."
"We should probably come out of the bathroom."
"I agree. Do you mind if I come over tonight? I just want to have a few more pointers that's all."
"Yeah yeah of course! I'd love if you would come over! I really want to try something. I was actually just going to ask if you wanted to come over."
Lin giggled like a little girl. I opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.
"Hey Danielle? Michael?"
"Yes sweetie?"
"what's up buttercup?"
"I'm going to head over to Lin's tonight he's going to give me some pointers and other things."
"You know you don't have to tell us every little thing you do."
"I know."
"Go have fun your 33 years old."
"We can head over now and I'll make you some supper?"
"You go ahead I'm going to grab some stuff."
"Alright see you in a few."
Lin walked out of the front door. I looked at my aunt and uncle.
"I have a situation, I think I like Lin."
"We know you like Lin."
"Oh trust me we knew you two would hit it off. Lin is an amazing caring guy. He's not going to hurt you. Trust me if I knew he was like that scum bag Luke I wouldn't let you be with him all the time."
"Please don't bring up Luke."
"I'm sorry Cass I know that's a touchy subject."
"Just have fun Sweetie."
"Isn't weird that I like this guy after what just 2 days of knowing him?"
"Honey I met your uncle and we fell in love after just 2 days of talking."
"I never knew that!"
Ah yes we met at a production of Les Mis. I was walking down the isle and the seat just happened to be next to her. So we started talking exchanged numbers and have been happy ever since."
"I want you to be happy Cassie. That's all we have ever wanted for you."
"You sound like my parents. Which is okay I'm going to talk to mom after this night is over."
"I think you need to go with what your heart says."
"My heart says to go for it!"
"Then that's what you do. You go for it Cass."
This makes me feel ten times better than before, Thank you. Is this an appropriate outfit to wear?"
"I think you need to bring out the skirt."
"Wait the skirt?"
"It's the time Cass."
I walked up to my room and pulled out favorite skirt ever. I took out a pink colored lipstick and dabbed on my favorite perfume by Dior.

 I took out a pink colored lipstick and dabbed on my favorite perfume by Dior

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I let my hair once again hang down past my shoulders. I walked down the steps looking at my aunt and uncle.
"There's the skirt ugh I love that skirt!
"I feel like it's a bit much."
"Oh no you looked gorgeous!"
"I need to get going, Lin is probably waiting for me."
You'll be fine maybe it'll work out for the best. Maybe, maybe maybe.

Lin's POV
I yelled into the phone.
"Wear that sweater and make your hair look nice. I haven't even met this girl and I can tell that she's brilliant. Also wear the jeans that make your butt look good."
"Thanks Jon."
"Don't f this up."
"Wait is it weird to say that I like this girl? As in I like her a lot."
"No Lin it's very sweet."
"What if I kiss her. Is that weird? Is that over stepping the boundaries?"
"What has her uncle said?"
"Her uncle loves the idea of us becoming an item."
"What about her aunt?"
"she's loves the idea too."
"Well then there's the answer."
"what do you think?"
"I'd go with your heart."
"My heart says to kiss her."
"Then that's what you do."
"I have an idea."
"tell me tell me tell me."
"I'm going to suggest we sing some Disney songs tonight."
"Okay and?"
"I start to play Kiss The Girl and uh I kiss the girl."
"That's genius!"
*knock knock.*
"Shes here Jon I gotta go Byeee"
I ended the call and ran down the steps. I got to the door and took a deep breath.
Don't worry about it it's not like you're in love with this girl which you aren't! Okay breathe breathe breathe. Maybe this will happen maybe it won't.
I opened the door and saw my beautiful Cassandra standing outside.
"Hi Lin."
"Hi Cassie. Please come in!"

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