Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

*Joey's POV* (Kind of a flashback...) Sorry for the errors, too tired to edit );

"NO! Please! Please don't! I promise! I won't act like that ever again! I'll never do anything like that ever again! Just please don't!" I begged as the much larger man started to back down slightly.

"No more hanging out with them." His voice sounded gruff, which for Lucas, really wasn't all that uncommon.

"Okay, I won't. I promise."

The next few hours were fine, we acted normal towards one another. I was probably a little bit quieter than normal, but other than that everything was completely fine.

Until Lucas started drinking.

I had been taking a pizza out of the oven when I heard him. "Bitch!" I involuntarily flinched "Get your ass in here right now!" I set the pizza on the counter before going into Lucas' living room.

"What do you want baby?" I tried to sound as innocent as possible, whenever he was in a bad mood that usually helped.

"I want you to stop f*cking around on me! You are mine! No one else'!" He slammed his beer down on the side table as he yelled.

"I haven't been cheating on you Luke." I started to turn around. "And I really wish you would trust me whenever I said that. I told you, when we weren't together for a awhile I slept with a couple of guys, but it was never serious."

"Don't turn away and leave me! I'm not done talking to you!" I could hear him stand up out of his chair and start to stride towards me. I kept an even pace as I went into the kitchen, running from him usually made it worse.

A pain suddenly shot through my arm, he had grabbed my arm and started to drag me towards him. "I'm going to show you what happens if you cheat on me. Nobody cheats on me!" He was almost talking to himself, as if he need to reassure himself.

"I didn't cheat on you!"

His hand smacked across my face. "Don't lie to me Joey! I know what happened!" I backed up against the wall of the room.

"Lucas" I tried to plead with him as he took a step forward. "Lucas, please don't do this. I love you! I love you so much."

His face softened slightly. "Awh Joey, I love you too. But this is for your own good, this is the only way you can learn." And then he had the hardened look on his face once again.

"Lucas." I breathed out his name, just as I saw him draw back his hand to hit me once more.

~~~~~~~~Some Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up with a splitting headache. It took me several seconds to realize that I wasn't even inside anywhere, I was outside with my body backed up against my car. I was outside of the boys' house (as in the One Direction boys)

What the hell had happened?

Then it all came rushing back to me. Lucas getting angry. Him kicking me out. Me barely being able to drive to the boys', both because I was trying not to pass out and because I was crying.

I stood up, wobbly on my feet, and slowly made my way up to the front door, banging on it loudly when I finally got there. I'm starting to feel really bad again. I can't pass out! I need to stay awake.

After just a few seconds someone comes to the door. Thank god it's Liam, I don't know if Harry would be able to deal with me in the state that I'm in right now. He stares at me for a few seconds, as if he couldn't place who I was. His face dawns with realization. He scoops me up bridal style and starts to head towards the kitchen.My everything hurts, and I start to moan in pain.

"Joey?" Liam whispers, "Who did this you?"

I shudder at even the thought of who was responsible, "It... was..." My lungs hurt too much to breath.

I give up trying to say his name and just cuddle into his side. "Joey. You need to stay awake. Joey!"

I fall asleep for what only feels like a couple of seconds before waking up to the sound of someone hanging up the phone.

I'm awestruck at Liam's beauty. I have never noticed before, I've always been to preoccupied with Harry to notice what Liam really looks.

"You're really pretty." I doze off even before I could see his reaction to what I had said.

I'm so tired!!! I literally fell asleep while righting this! I'm not even kidding. So I watched Burlesque this weekend... AWESOME MOVIE! Have any of you guys seen it? and just because I'm nosy and curious, where do you guys live, you don't have to be specific, just say like a state or country or province or whatever! BYE! I'm going to go to bed! Night! X

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