Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

*Liam's POV*

The doctors think that Joey is going to wake up sometime today. His hands started to twitch a little bit just a few hours ago, apparently that's a sign of his body starting to wake itself up. Just a few minutes ago he started to mumble a little bit, which I'm going to take as a positive sign as well.

I move my chair closer to the hospital bed, and I take hold of his hand as I lean back in the chair. Suddenly one of my favorite comes to mind. I don't know why, maybe the situation just kind of reminded me of the song. I start softly singing:

If we take this bird in

With its broken leg

We could nurse it

She said

Come inside

For a little lie down with me

If you fall asleep

It wouldn't be the worst thing

But when I wake up

Your make-up is on my shoulder

And tell me, if I lie down

Would you stay now

And let me hold you?

But if I kiss you

Will your mouth read this truth?

Darling, how I miss you

Strawberries taste how lips do

And it's not complete yet

Mustn't get our feet wet

Cos that leads to regret

Diving in too soon

And I'll owe it all to you

My little bird

My little bird

When I finish the chorus for the second time I start to feel a slight pressure on my hand. He's squeezing my hand! I push the call button for the nurse; there might be something they can do to help him to wake up faster.

Just a few minutes later a nurse walks slowly into the room, "Is something you need help with, Sir?" She says 'Sir' in an annoyed tone as she glares at our hands. She's probably not comfortable with guys being affectionate towards each other. Even if one of the guys is unconscious.

I answer back as quickly as possible; obviously she doesn't realize how urgent this is, "Yes, I believe he's starting to wake up, could you get a doctor or something?" I put on my best fake-smile on. The nurse just nods as she walks out of the hospital room. Some people are just so judgmental, we're just friends (really barely even friends).

Soon Joey's doctor comes walking into the room, "Is there a problem, Lad?" He has an accent that I can't really place, it's definitely not English.

"I think that Joey is about to wake up, his hands have been moving around since this morning, he was mumbling in his sleep earlier, and just a few minutes ago I took hold of his hand and he started to squeeze my hand."

"Well Liam, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there really isn't anything that I can do, his body needs to come out of the coma on its own. Was there anything you were doing with him when he grasped your hand earlier? Were you, perhaps, talking to him about something?"

"Ummm, I was singing to him, why?" Surely I wouldn't get into trouble for just singing to him, would I?

"Well, this really isn't 100% medically proven, as of right now it's just a theory, but you could try to continue to sing to him. It seems as if some people who are coming out of a coma wake up just slightly faster if they have someone talking, or in your case, singing to them. We're not really sure why at the moment, just that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't." He put a sympathetic hand on my shoulder, "It could be worth a try though."

If there is any way that I can get him to wake up faster than I'm going to try to. I need for him to wake up so that I can find out who did this. I have a physical NEED to find out who did this.

I start to sing any song that I can think of, any song at all.

How to Save a Life by The Fray, Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer, a couple of Ed Sheeran songs, Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson. I tried to sing mellow songs. Every couple of minutes he would move his hand. Sometimes it was just a little twitch, while sometimes he would completely grab a hold of my hand. Whenever this happened I would stop wherever I was at in the song and try to call his name softly.

After about an hour of singing my voice was completely worn out, and I needed a break. After I had stopped for just a few minutes, I decided to leave for just a little bit. I need to go and get something to drink before my throat completely dries out.

Just as I'm about to walk out I here a soft voice, "No. Don't stop."

Quickly I turned around to see that Joey's eyes had opened, and he was staring directly at me. I hurry back over to the seat next to his bed and took his hand again.

"I never thought you'd wake up. I was so worried."

"Wait, how long have I been asleep? Why am I here in the first place?" He had a confused expression across his face.

But he fell asleep again before I could answer.

~End of Chapter Twenty-Six~

Sorry if this sucks!!! Thanks for reading! it was cool hearing where some of you guys live! I live in Illinois, US. NOT CHICAGO. OR SPRINGFIELD.

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