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So if you haven't noticed, recently I've been focusing more and more on Liam and Joey and less on Harry and Niall.

I didn't intend to do this, and actually stories that have two story lines going on at the same time annoy me and I usually stop reading them.

So I made a decision. This story is going to come to an end in another chapter or POSSIBLY two chapters. So for those of you that only like Narry, well that will be the end of that.

However, for those of you that like Jiam, I think I might make a short spinoff focusing on them. If you don't want to read it I understand, there MIGHT be some minor Narry scenes, but they won't be the focal point. I'll try to get the first chapter of that up with a day or two after the last chapter of this story.

Last thing: I'm working on another story too! I haven't uploaded anything, but I have the first two chapters written and it should be WAY better than this one because I already have it all planned out. It's going to be about Ziam. I just love it a lot. I'm planning to start posting chapters of it around Chritmas time, so sometime in late December.

Ok. Authors note over! Thanks, and an actual new chapter for this story should be up sometime this weekend!

Hugs and kisses!!! And happy thanksgiving to all the Americans reading this!!!

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