Things will get better

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"Ah. Feels good to be back. "
"Good to have you back. "
Kousuke looked up at Keiji from the book he was reading.
"What was that? "
"Nothing. "
Keiji left the room leaving Kousuke by himself. He continued his reading and then went to the kitchen to see what there was to eat. Upon arriving he opened the fridge only to find protein shakes.
"Where did all the food go? "
"This 6pac ain't gonna maintain itself , Kousuke. "
"But the food. "
"If your so upset about it come with me to a deal at 10:00 today. "
"But I'm hungry now! "
"Ugh fine. "
Keiji ended up making pancakes once again. But this time Kousuke did get to eat some because Jackson wasn't there. Actually he hadn't spoken to Jackson since they got back to Kyoto. And honestly he wasn't too concerned about him either. The last he'd seen of him was when he got off the train, Jackson had stayed on saying he was headed to Tokyo to visit his brother who was in the hospital.
Kousuke happily ate his pancakes while watching the news.
*Reporter on TV*
"The man that was murdered only 2 days ago has now been identified by police as 52 year old, Tadashi Ayasegawa. He was wanted by the government for almost 40 years on charges of drug and human trafficking. He was shot by a hunting rifle in the head and a semi-automatic in the left lung. Authorities are not sure which was the fatal shot seeing as how the bullet that hit his lung also passed through his body. Authorities believe that there were two shooters and that this was a professional kill due to the lack of evidence. "
Kousuke just stared at the television. His phone buzzed on the table.
-We have a deal to attend later. I need you to be there.-
The message was from Keiji.
-Sure, when and where?-
-Tonight at 10:00, in the old factory building. Bring a hand gun just in case.-
-Got it-
Kousuke sighed. He wasn't upset about having to get his hands dirty to get money. And he couldn't lie, the previous kill had gotten both him and Jackson 5000 dollars each. He was making good money and he liked what he did but it was his first time going to a deal. And he was pretty fucking nervous. But knowing Keiji, he would make sure things go right. For the most part that's is.
The car ride to the factory was silent. Keiji was smoking a cigarette as he drove. Kousuke was looking out the window trying to breathe as little as possible to not inhale the smoke. As he looked out the window he contemplated his life choices so far.
Let's see, I had a good childhood and grew up with both parents. I had the emotional support I needed and had everything in the sun. Yet here I AM A FUCKING SNIPER FOR THE MOTHER FUCKING YAKUZA!!! I COULD PROBABLY BE KILLED OR DISCOVERED BY POLICE AT ANY GOD FORSAKEN MOMENT!!! YET HERE I STAY!!! MY ONLY FRIEND IS JACKSON AND NOT ONLY IS HE BETTER LOOKING HE ALSO HAS A FIRM CHEST AND STRONG ARMS ANd....holly shit I think i have a man crush on him....fuck.
Kousuke shook his head to try and get the thoughts out. His light brown hair falling over his eyes and stabbing him right in the eye as it did so.
"Ow!! Mother fucker!! "
Kousuke yelled as he clutched at his eye in pain. Keiji just gave him his infamous shit eating smirk and kept driving. When they got to the factory, they both stepped out of the car and breathed in the old ass chemicals.

"So, wheres the guy?"
"He should be getting here in about 5 minuts.''
They waited there for 5 minuts and sure enough a man walked into the old wherehouse/factory.
"Oh so you brought the sniper with you? I see.''
Said the man that had justbwalked into the factory.
"Shut up. We came here for a deal, amd thats what were gonna do.''
"How about a trade? "
"For what?''
Asked Keiji. The man looked at him and smiled. He called his assistant in. When she walked in, she had a fully-automatic assault rifle.
"C'mon Keiji. That coke for this beauty.''
"Are you talking about the hore standing behind you or the gun?''
"Excuse me? You sure talk alot of shit for a high class drug dealer. Im talking about the gun.''
"What about the woman?''
"No. Its the money or nothing.''
"Well you see the thing is we don't really have the money.''
"Okay. I'll make you a deal. I'll give you the coke, but, mark my words, Jones. If you don't have that money in 48 hours, I will make sure you don't live to see the light of day ever again.''
Jones gulped.
Keiji gave him the coke.
"Now, get the hell out of here before I change my mind.''
Jones and his assistant turned and left. Keiji looked at Kousuke and nodded.
"Are you really going to let him off the hook that easily?''
"Of course not. There's a guy waiting in a car outside. He will follow him home and let him enjoy his coke, then he'll get rid of him.''
"Chloroform. It will look like and OD(overdose)''
The two left after that. Meanwhile, the car that had been waiting outside followed Jones home. He parked across the street and waited. When he thoughed it was safe he went outside and climbed the wall of the house. He looked through the window and saw Jones snorting the cocaine. At this point he really will die of an OD. Thought the man ans he continued peering through the window. After his assistants left he took a cloth and poured the chloroform on to it. He opened the window and creaped up on Jones, he pced the cloth over his nose and mouth. He also had to hold it there firmly because Jones started fighting back. The spy held it there for 15 seconds and thats was the end of that. He got out his phone and texted Keiji.
-It's done-
Keiji looked down at his phone and smiled. He looked over at Kousuke and said
"You see and just like that theres one less problem to worry about.''
"But you'll never get the money now.''
"Yes I will''
"The man had no benifeciary for his life enssurance, when he is found I will wait 3 days before they ask about his life enssurance. When they do. I will claim it. Simple as that.''
Kousuke excused himself from the room and went to go shower. When he came out of the bathroom there was a handwritten note from Keiji on the bed.
Your mom called. She wants you home tomorrow for your sisters birthday. Don't worry. I'll get some one to cover you.
Kousuke read the note and sighed.
Home, here I come. But they got another thing comming.
In the morning, Kousuke got out of bed rather early and went to the living room to play call of duty but found Jackson asleep on the couch. Keiji walked into the living room and stood up against the door frame.
"He got here like at 12:00 this morning.''
"I didn't know trains ran that late.''
"They don't. He got a ride. Poor guy didn't even get to see his brother because the hospital deemed emotionaly unstable.''
"Oh. Well hopefully things will get better. "
Keiji left for work leaving Kousuke and Jackson in the house. Kousuke played video games for a good chunk of time before Jackson woke up.
"So. I heard what happened, and I just want you to know that I'm sorry. And that if you ever need anyone to talk to I will be rigt here for you.''
"Thanks. That's really good to hear.''
"No problem. Its the least that i could do.''
Jackson just let out a sad sigh.
"Wanna play Mario Cart?''
They played Mario Cart for 2 hours or so then watched The Titanic for an excuse to cry. But that still didn't explain the 4 hours of cuddeling that followed afterwards.
"Do you have anything to do tomorrow?'' Kousuke asked.
"Do you count getting highly intoxicated as something to do?''
"You wanna coe with me to my sisters birthday party.''
When Keiji got back from the office he saw that both Kousuke and Jackson had fallen asleep on the floor with the game controlls in theon hands.
He smiled, sighed and said.
"Yep. Things will defanetly det better'' he covered his mouth to suppress the chuckle that escaped his throat.
Before he went to shower he left a note on the coffee table giving Jackson the day off tomorrow as well.

Dont let it end this way ( ✔ Completed ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now