"Will you..."

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It was now the new year and drug trafficing had gotten to an all time high for the holidays. This meant that the drug dealers needed people with guns to go with them on deals just in case something were to go wrong. Jackson had been sent to the Miyagi prefecture to work with another high class drug dealer while Kousuke had stayed in Kyoto to work with Keiji. Now you would think that they would be able to communicate during the time being. They wouldn't see eachother face to face because Miyagi and Kyoto were about 8 hours away from each other but you would think they could talk on the phone, right? Wrong. They endded up having different working schedules. Jackson had to work at night while Kousuke worked during the day. The only time they had to talk was at around 10:00pm before Jackson started working and Kousuke was finishing up his day. The lack of communication was starting to take a toll on their relationship. Both of them knew that if the situation got any worse their relationship would hit rock bottom. One night they had been talking, they're conversions had gone from super entertaining to the point where they felt like they could speak to eachother for hours on end to feeling as if they were deprived from one another. Even before they were in a relationship, they always had eachothers company. The lack of communication was affecting Kousuke the most, he wasen't used to not being close to someone he cared about for such a long time. They had been separated right after Christmas so they had been apart for a while. Keiji had noticed that over the past couple of days Kousuke had not been as energetic or happy go lucky as usual. "What's been up with you lately? " Keiji had asked once as they were driving to a deal. "Nothing. "
"Stop lying, you can tell me. "
"Well, I just feel that lately Jackson and I have been falling out of touch. "
"...hmm... How so? "
"Well ever since he was sent to Miyagi we haven't had much time to talk. And when we do our conversions feel strained and....almost forced. It makes me sad to think about it, and I know it's talking a toll on our relationship...Maybe we should just give up on eachother. "
"What?!?!? " Keiji yelled hitting the breaks and giving them both whiplash. "What did you just say?! "
"Ummmm. That we should just give up on eachother. " Keiji looked at him with a disapointed face for a good 5 seconds before slaping him. "Ow! What the fuck was that for? "
"That was for not realizing how much he cares about you, you dumb fuck! Sure, you haven't been able to talk too much, but that dosen't mean you have to quit on eachother! "
"But it's just not working out. "
"Tell you what, if I can get him a few days off, I'll give you a few day's off and you two can reconect. Ok? "
"...ok. ''
After their little conversion, Keiji started the car up again and they got to where they had to be. The day felt like it had stretched for an eternity.
Once they had gotten home, Keiji called the dealer in Miyagi to see if he could get Jackson a few days off. Kousuke didn't stay to hear the end agreement because it was a 50 50 chance that Jackson would get the next couple day's off.
The next morning, Keiji went into his room squealing like a 12 year old girl. "What do you want? It's 5:00 in the fucking morning.''
"Guess what I managed to do? "
"What? "
"I was able to get Jackson 5 day's off! " At hearing that, Kousuke was wide awake real quick. "Wait really?! You're not fucking with me? "
"This ain't something that I would lie to you about. Ok? Because listen kid, as much as I fucking hate to admit it, I want to see you be happy, and seeing how out of it you have been for the past week or so, I just can't deal with it. "
"Thank you sooooooo much. "
"Don't make me regret it, now hurry up and get dressed, your man should be here in like 30 minutes. "
"30!?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! " Kousuke yelled pushing Keiji out of his room to change out of his pijamas. And fucking sure enough 30 minutes later, there was a knock as his room door followed by a low, "Can I come in? " Immediately recognizing the voice behind the door, Kousuke ran to the door to answer it. In an instant, he tackled Jackson in to a hug. "Missed you too. " Jackson said as he tried getting up to breath. Tried is the correct word because he failed(naturaly). After a few moments, they finally separated. "How have you been without me these last few days? " Jackson asked. "What? "
"How have you been without me these last few days? "
"Miserable, I've beed coaping with the withdrawal. "
"So you missed me? "
"Yes, alot. I couldn't even walk past the empty room without feeling sad. "
"That's cute. "
"Shut up. "

After two days together, Jackson came up with the excellent idea of going on a date to a flower feild that was a few miles away. Once there, they watched the sunset together and caught up with eachother. About 45 minutes into their date, Jackson got a phone call, it was fake....but Kousuke didn't have to know that. After answering the 'phone call' Jackson walked away to have more 'privacy'. While he was away 'talking' he was actually feriously trying to braid flowers together to make a ring(we all know where this is going (・ิω・ิ) ). After a few minutes, Jackson returned to where he had lwft Kousuke. Taking in a deep breath and clearing his throat, Jackson got down on one knee. Hearing Jackson behing him, Kousuke turned around and saw Jackson on one knee holding up the flower ring. "Jackson...what are you doing? "
"Kousuke, despite all the shit I've put you through, the up's and the down's the good times and bad times, you've stayed by my side when other people have quit on me. You stayed when I was having family troubles, when I tried pushing you away and even when you've been completely pissed off at me, you've stayed by my side. And that has made me happy. Will you make me happy once more? Will you, Kousuke Tsukamoto, please marry me. " Kousuke just stared shoked, he didn't know how to react until everything processed. After realizing that he had just been proposed to, his eyes lit up and he began crying tears of joy . "YES! YES! ONE THOUSAND TIMES YES! " he said and huged Jackson. It was a happy moment full of sunshine and rainbows, the two wished that this moment would last forever.

Dont let it end this way ( ✔ Completed ✔ )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora