Don't Let it End this Way

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Jackson's phone had been blowing up sense 2:00 in the morning. After about 20 minutes of it just vibrating continually on the night stand, Jackson finally got fed up and decided to awenser it. "What?!" He yelled into the mic of the phone. "It's your mother, she has been involved in an accident, I need you to report to the warehouse immediately."
"What happened?"
"No time to explain, just come. " The line cut and Jackson was left in silence. At the other end of the line Mr. Isokaki put the phone down on it's stand. "Are you in position?" He asked Jessica. "Yes sir."
Confused, Jackson made his way out of bed and threw on whatever clothes he found on the floor. When he reached the door there was a small noise behind him. He turned to find Kousuke standing in the door frame of the hall way. "Where are you going? It's 2:00 in the morning. "
"I um... I just got a call from my dad, my mom has been involved in some sort of accident he wants me to go over. "
"Okay....take care of yourself. Bye. "
"Yeah, bye. "
He got in his car and began making his way to the wearhouse.
A few minutes after he was in his car he got a phone call from Kousuke. "Yes? " Jackson asked. "I have a bad feeling about this. You should just come back home. Call your dad, I'll go with you in the morning. "
"You're just being silly. There's nothing-'' he got cut off by Kousuke on the other end of the line. "Jackson please. " He said sternly into the phone. " I'll call you when I get there. " Jackson said and hung up the phone.
Something's wrong. Something is really wrong. Thought Kousuke as he headed back to his room to go back to bed.
Jackson pulled up next to the wearhouse where his dad had said to meet him. A guard came out of the dark to greet him and took him back in. "I'll be praying for you. " said the guard before Jackson walked inside. As soon as the door closed behind him, there was aloud bang. Jackson felt a sharp pain run from his right shoulder up to his neck and down his spine. As he fell to the ground he didn't have to think, he knew he had been shot. "How nice of you to finally join us. " Mr. Isozaki said walking over to where Jackson was lying on the floor. There was a pool of blood forming around him. Fucking Kousuke. Jackson thought. Fucking Kousuke had been right again.

By morning, Kousuke had still not gotten a call from Jackson. Maybe he forgot? Kousuke thought trying to comfort himself. No. He may be forgetfull as hell but he dosen't forget shit like this. Kousuke picked up his phone and called Jackson.
The call went straight to voice mail. He tried texting, the message didn't go though. He tried social media platforms. All accounts had been deleted. God please don't let this be happening. He ran back to his room, threw on some clothes and began running to the wearhouse.

"It's been eight hours, Jackson. " said Mr. Isozaki. After the attack, Jackson had been taken to the basement and chained to one of the cell walls. He had been beaten bad. There was bruises and sores already forming on his body and his hair was matted due to sweat and blood. "How the fuck are you still holding up? " Jessica asked with rage in her voice. She had been the one too shoot him. When Jackson didn't answer her, it made her all the more angry. "Answer me! " she comanded kicking him in the stomach. Jackson heard himself cough up blood, he could taste it in his mouth, but he didn't feel anything. His body had become numb because of all the beatings he had endured that night. The only pain he feltvwas where he had been shot, but even that was beginning to dull out. His mind was beginning to shut down and he knew it. Whether it he because of blood loss or physical stress, he didn't know. But he did know that he was running out of time.
Kousuke got to the front door of the wearhouse and barged in. Emidiatly there were 5 guards there 4 aming guns and 1 trying to push him out. "Let me go!! " Kousuke yelled with hysteria very obvious in his voice. "We can't do that. " said the guad. "I have to get to him!! Before it's to late!! Let me go!! "
"Get to who? The Isozaki kid? By the time you get there he'll be dead. " At hearing that, Kousuke had a sudden burts of energy, he blacked out. When he came to his sences the wearhouse looked more like a slaughter house and he was standing over the guard that had tried to stop him with a gun pointed at his head. "All the more reason to get there before they do anything! DIE BASTARD!! " he yelled and pulled the trigger. The blood splashed on his face and upped body. Not that he cared. He began making his way down to the basement. This can't be happening. He thought.

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