You never know what tomorrow will bring

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When Kousuke woke up he found that he was in his room by himself. He thought that maybe his mom had kicked Jackson out of the house after he had fallen asleep. Just as he was about to get up off the floor to call Jackson, he walked in through the door holding a plate with food on it. He looked up at him with tired eyes. Jackson looked down at him and smiled. "You hungry? " Kousuke looked up at him as if he was some creature from outer space. Jackson just sighed and kneeled next to him.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I thought you had left me here. "
"Why would you think that? "
Kousuke looked up at him with tears in his eyes. Jackson looked at him and sighed. He placed a hand up to Kousuke's cheek and wiped a tear away. "Please don't cry. You loose your prettyness when you cry. " Kousuke just sniffed and wiped away another tear. He looked up at Jackson and felt his eyes tear up again. Jackson just sighed, put the food on the ground and pulled Kousuke into and embrace. "Shhhh. Shh. I got you. Do you want to tell me why you're crying? " Kousuke looked up at him through the embrace, he then started explaining why he was crying, which only made him cry harder. "It's just that i thought you had left and I was so scared*gross sobbing sound* that you had left me here. And I don't want you to leave me alone again.*more gross sobbing sounds.* ''
"I'm sorry. I promise that I'll wake you up next time. "
"Promise? "
"Yes. "
"Ok. "
"I'm hungry now. "
"I knew you would be. "
"Oh. You know me so well. I'm flattered. "
Kousuke said in a deadpan voice. Jackson let him go and pushed the plate of food towards him. They ate in silence for the most part, the sound of the television downstairs being the only thing letting them know they were not deaf. Kousuke actually enjoyed eating in silence with Jackson. They didn't have to be talking, there didn't have to be any type of physical contact between them. Just being able to see each other was comforting enough. After they finished eating, Jackson took the plates back down to the kitchen. When he returned, Kousuke was looking at his phone bitterly.
"What is it? "
"Oh. We just have another job. "
"Oh. Well I guess we have to go then? "
"Yea. I guess. "
Kousuke and Jackson walked down stairs. Kousuke's mom was in the kitchen making breakfast for Miyuri seeing as she was a picky eater. "We're heading out. " Kousuke said as he went up to his mother and hugged her. "Already? " she asked.
"Yea. "
"Alright. Take care of yourself. "
"Of course mom. Love you. Bye.
He and Jackson walked out the door. They started walking towards the train station the morning breeze was causing Jackson's cheeks to stain pink. His gaze looked far, as if he were looking into another dimension(basicly looking into the distance.)
"You cold? " Kousuke asked.
"No. "
There was dead silence between them for about 5 minutes. They just continued walking. Jackson continued staring into the distance.
"Is something bothering you? " Kousuke asked.
"No. Just thinking. "
"About what? "
"The job. Where is it anyways? "
"Oh. He hasn't given me the information for that yet. "
"I see. "
There was more silence between them. They reached the train station, swiped their JR( Japan Railway ) cards, got their train tickets, and boarded the train. A long train ride later, 6 hours to be exact, and they were back in Kyoto. Luckily, before they had gone to visit Kousuke's family, Jackson was smart enough to drive them both to the station. They climbed into the car and started heading toward Keiji's place. When they entered, they found Keiji sitting on the couch with nothing but boxers on and he was drinking, kind of a lot. "Keiji-san? Have...Were...Are you drunk. " Keiji looked up at the oth of them. He had stubble on his face and bags under his eyes. He already had mid day shade, which was remarkable considering it was 7:00 in the fucking morning...on a saturday. "Oh. You're back. And yes i am a little litte lot drunk. " His words were slurred due to the alcohol in his system.
"We should get you to bed. "
"Noooo!! Leave me here. "
They took him to bed anyways and ignored his wishes. After they practically dragged him to his room. They went into the living room to clean up.
"How you feeling? " Jackson asked.
"Okay. "
"Just okay? Are you dizzy? Does anything hurt? "
"No no no. I'm fine. "
"You sure? "
"Yes. "
After they finished cleaning, they sat on the couch for a while waiting for a text from the boss man giving then the information for their next job. 20 minutes later, Kousuke's phone buzzed.
-Keiji has the information for the mission.-
-Right. About that. He is drunk-
-Well why the fuck did you let him drink?!-
-We didn't. We got back from the thing and he was sitting in the couch with a bottle of Jäger drinking like a fucking monster.-
-Oh. Well then. Just ask him about it when he wakes up with a hangover.-
"Just ask him about it when he wakes up with a hangover?! Are you serious?! "
"Calm down. I mean, how bad can it be? Right? "

Dont let it end this way ( ✔ Completed ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now