The Era (Audric)

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        'Twas a treacherous time. Living in an era, where those typically venture off to save damsels, and slay dragons is what most assume. But a specific type of magic changed the lives of those that were "selected" forever. Thou must assume that-hmm, actually that is enough. They repeatedly tell us to add eth, to a majority of words, and speak "modernly" but whether you will fully understand that or not is a different story. Continuing with what I said, You must assume that I will be sharing my story of how wonderful magic is, and how I was selected. Absolutely. Wrong. I wasn't selected. But sadly, my greatest friend happened to be.                                                                                                                                                                

 First a word of the wise. If you have been selected. I've heard terrible things, you should most likely prepare for predetermined demise. Although this is the story of how I managed to follow Merek to the academy, and well, let's simply engage into the story, shall we? Well here is a bit of the backstory.

     We happen to live in the town of Glendsdale, quite a nice place. A fine plethora of orcs, goblins, witches, warlocks, and warriors. The kingdom of Aroma is basically right around the corner, so this area is considered a royalty. My parents happened to be inventors as well, craftsmen is the typical term. Although I prefer the term Merek Titanswarm, my greatest friend, and I created, which is inventor. Moving onward, school was not available to us. Although Merek and I lived in a relatively wealthy area, education was granted only, if the child, desperately sought it out. I read. A lot. I always was attempting to gain knowledge. Merek was the exact same way. We had read one-thousand books over the course of a year. Our speed, increased the more we read, from simpleton books, to books on philosophy, and etc. When we were not reading, which we almost always were, we would try to sneak into the Knight's courtyard/pub. Today was an example. We crept around the corner cautiously, checking every so often for guards. We heard banter, and chants from inside the relatively large, oak, house. 

   "And ser' I kill the dragon, smitten I tell ye. I av'e it's head on me' porch." said a barbaric warrior. 

"Balderdash! Yer' full of it Fenwick!" said a deep, hollow voice.

"Aye' thas' Sir John Fenwick of Wallington, ter' you!" Fenwick replied.

    Merek tapped me on the shoulder, he was laughing softly. I shook my head in disapproval, but my eyes shown with awe. Listening to the warriors, discussing adventures, was as great as reading a tale itself.

  "They're most likely drunk, upon Norsebeer. However, that is typical, isn't it?" I whispered. Merek nodded with glee. 

   "I wonder how many of them are chosen though, wouldn't it be egeful?" Merek responded. As we were whispering, we were grabbed by the scruff of our necks, and thrown away from the pub. I automatically knew it was Eldwin, the peasant. He usually, lulled around the pub, wanting to gain respect from the warriors, so he took it upon himself to guard it, but we were the only targets he could actually manage to throw out as we were merely children. 

    "Listen you filthy maggots, get out of ere', tired of seein' yer faces round this part o' town." Eldwin said, a horrid stench of rotten eggs, that was otherwise known as his breath emitted from his wasteland of a mouth. Merek gagged. I simply blocked out the stench by clogging my nasal passages. Eldwin sulked back to his usual location, and grabbed a half-full beer mug, that was thrown out of the window. He took a swig, and hiccuped. 

       "We should most likely return, hopefully we are able to tinker a bit." I said to Merek, immediately afterwards, the doors of the pub, burst open. The warriors came out, a few Goblinian knights, came in bulky, steel armor, with massive battle axes. Humans, like we were of course, came with shimmering blades, forged in the armory. The greatest warrior in all of the lands, Sir Clifton Wrightingham, leaped onto his horse with undeniable grace, and began riding, when he spotted us, staring in utter amazement. He winked down at us, and threw his helmet down in front of us. He smiled, showing his glistening, pearly white teeth, and rode away. Merek and I bent down, to analyze the helmet.  We decided on putting it, in our secret hideout. We sprinted discussing the event.

   "That is so ridiculously egeful! Sir Clifton Wrightingham, deciding to give us such a prized object!" I said in excitement, I leaped onto a stone, and gave a dynamic, and righteous pose. Merek topped that, by leaping onto a boulder, and thrust his arm upwards, as though he had a sword pointing towards the sun. There were maidens, outside of their houses, staring at us with suspicion. On top of the boulder you could see everything. Most houses weren't very well made, some roofs made of straw who are afraid that wood or stone walls will fall in, and others made of stone or wood because they need more protection. Merek and I turned around and heard a roar. Purple flames shot out of an island to the right of this town. The people call it Dragon Island. Even Sir Clifton Wrightingham would urinate instantly if he had to go there. It was quite possibly the most dangerous place known out here. Most of the time people lived quietly, but some times you could count on a stray Cerastes(Serpents with horns). Of course our knights always took care of them. One  dipsa decided to come strolling through the town, and almost killed a knight. Of course it was slain by our most celebrated knight Sir Clifton Wrightingham. Speaking of him he has saved this town many times. He has slain dragons,demons,and there happens to be a rumor going on that he slew a griffin guarding gold.

 We continued to walk, when suddenly there was a flash of light above Merek. It glistened blue, representing an enhancement in speed. My smile, soon turned to a look of utmost horror, as I saw the symbol, knowing that Merek was selected.

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