Venture (Audric)

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     We proceeded in sword-dueling. It was quite interesting although I truly just wanted to modify my very own blade. Halfway through the stimulating practice, Professor Willem stopped the class to introduce a past student of his, who was a royal knight of Aroma, and sadly, it was my turn in order to duel. Professor Willem told his student, whose name happened to be Aiden Cattersworth, to do his very worst, and we were engaged in a duel. He pressed forwards, jabbing at me, and causing my arm to become numb. I appeared to have a throbbing headache and I stumbled to the ground, in which the class gasped. Aiden continued to advance, I clenched my fist, and a faint aura, appeared around me. The class became deadly silent, they'd seen the marks of the selected ones previous, but mine had not been shown in centuries. Professor Willem dropped his blade, as it clattered to the floor, his eyes enlarged.

Aiden hesitated but continued to attack me, in a quicker and more violent fashion. And suddenly there was a loud rumbling, the floor shook, the sword shelves collapsed to the floor, and Aiden's sword started weighing him down. Reinforced iron and copper covered my sword and it started to feel like it actually belonged to me.

Years of complex machinery, engineering, ingenuity, inventing prowess and chemistry flooded my mind. I did not feel as though I were such a feeble weakling, but a new found intellect swarmed me, I knew exactly what to do at the proper time, I sensed that Aiden's blade happened to have technology allowing him to be such a prominent knight. I advanced towards Aiden but he managed to get his sword in the air. I could tell it was malfunctioning, as it seemed to miss me practically every single time, I advanced. He slashed desperately and missed every single strike. However he refocused a very crucial strike and hit my kneecap, and I staggered to the floor. Aiden took this as a time to pin me down but his blade happened to quite literally, fly out of his hand, and crashed through the window. I noticed Professor Willem's gape and just I was about to properly stand up, he shouted "CLASS DISMISSED." Some people complained loudly because they didn't get a chance but Professor Willem wasn't open to suggestions at that very moment. In fact as the class departed he sprinted out of the classroom directly towards the headmaster's office. I simply continued to walk up the spiraled staircases, to my next class which was history, ignoring the repeated glances given. As I entered the vast room known as the classroom belonging to Professor Vano, his long, blond hair, and cold, intelligent green eyes, which were the most noticeable things in the room swayed towards me. He had a way of silencing others without uttering a single word.

"Today we shall engage in the history of machinery." Professor Vano said softly, with his deep, silky voice. "Terrible monstrosities, robotic creations throughout the years have slaughtered many, and have tried to conquer us, superior humans. Only the chosen Cynrac, has the ability to control them, and we haven't caught sight of a single one for centuries, due to a massacre that the robotic creations caused in the very first place. They'll kill any human, destroy any civilization, they're ruthless and terrible. Understand?" Professor Vano said. Everyone nodded, although some looked at me with uneasiness, others moved away from me and sneered in absolute disgust.

"Ah, do I sense a Cynrac here?" He asked staring at me.

"Well hopefully you have enough common sense not to invent or do any chemistry." He continued. A faint sound was ringing in my ears. "Class dismissed!" Professor Vano said. Many rushed out of the room, some took the time to attempt to injure me. I rushed out of the classroom, went to my dorm, searched for items, and found a winter cloak. I put it on and rushed out with my book on machinery in hand. I wasn't an experience sword-fighter, or mage, only the Cynrac and I was not fully capable of controlling my powers, yet I quickly rushed outside. As I trudged across the Medieval camp, I was tackled from behind. Letha and Merek were on top of me. They got off pouting.

"Where the actual heck do you believe you're going?" Merek asked.

"Especially without us?" Letha asked.

"Well obviously, I am not wanted, and I am a terrible omen, I am simply leaving." I replied.

"We'll come with!" Merek said, Letha looked a bit reluctant.

"I'll most likely endanger you, therefore you should return, and continue to gain knowledge, I will venture off." I said. I continued walking, ignoring their protests, but they did not seem willing to depart quite yet, we headed into the woods, deeper and deeper. Merek broke into a sprint but I grabbed his arm, and pulled him back. A herd of orcs, were lumbering around with spiked clubs. Behind them were massive robotic droids, with distorted faces, ripped out cords, and pixelated eyes. The orcs and robotic creatures charged towards us. I backed up in fear, stepping on Letha's foot. She shoved me forwards, and an Orc lifted me up by the scruff of my neck, and prepared to annihilate me. The robotic creatures bowed. Electricity surged through them, as they bowed.

"Master, shall we destroy these fiends?" The robotic creatures said in unison, with static voices. I was not entirely sure on whether they referenced my companions or the orcs.

"Please, specifically target the orcs!" I replied in a shrill voice. The creatures nodded, and charged at the orcs, ramming into them, and shocked them to a fine powdered dust. They then smirked at me, with a digital smile, and split apart into micro-bits, swarming into my hydraulic core. I felt a brief shock coursing through my veins, and shuddered. Letha and Merek stared at me. They looked at me in awe.

"That was pretty weird." Merek said. Letha nodded her head, obviously agreeing to this comment."Well now that you've agreed to stay-"

"Hold on, who said I was staying in this wretched area?" I said.

"Dude you'll get yourself killed. Robots aren't everywhere. And you obviously know how dangerous the forest is." Merek stated.

"Which is precisely why I am not staying in this forest."I replied. Merek and Letha stood relieved. We began to walk out of the forest, Letha eventually stopped and tapped both Merek and I on the shoulder, she looked frightened beyond belief.

"G-guys...not to be a bit frightened, but did you hear that hissing noise?" Letha asked. Merek and I shook our heads immediately. We turned around slowly to see, a massive snakelike creature, flickering its tongue at us.

"That is definitely a Basilisk." Letha squeaked.

"Little crown..." Merek said mesmerized.

"Rather than staring at in, and admiring its terrifying beauty, shall we run?" I asked, Merek and Letha shook their heads and began to sprint along with me. The Basilisk barely had to move in order to stay at our pace or pass it. It slithered, the grass withering behind it. We saw the castle in sight and continued to run, but at that very moment the front gates, closed. And an alarm was sounded, we were trapped outside. I considered using my abilities, but suddenly, a vortex of flames, shimmered in front of us and the headmaster appeared. He held a rock in his left hand, and in the other a ball of fire. He tossed the rock directly at the Basilisk, and set it on fire, it became molten rock as it crashed into the Basilisk, causing it to writhe in pain. The Professor then transformed into a massive lion, charging into the Basilisk and tearing it to shreds. The Basilisk melted into a pool of green substance. The headmaster transformed back, and brushed off lint from his robes. He looked absolutely calm which was what frightened me. He passed by us, and said with a distinct note of agitation:
"Please see me in my office immediately." But with that sentence, I was definite that I saw a smile.

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