Beasts (Merek)

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Apparently, we had Professor Jenkins for another day, as our schedule told us to head outside. I wondered who the other teachers were as well we tumbled out of the castle. Professor Jenkins was beaming at us, questioning the state of our dragons. Everyone's dragons had hatched, and were all present for the class. Professor Jenkins had us line them up on individual tables, and we stood behind them for some "fun games" as she called it. I spoke to Audric beforehand.

  "Dude you should totally do something for the race and make your dragon faster!" I whispered. Audric looked interested by the idea.

  "I'm intrigued. Definitely." He replied, we did a small fist bump. Letha frowned, and had her hands on her hips as she looked at us.

  "You shouldn't do it. I'll tell." She said sternly.

"It is simply a silly and idiotic gimmick, nobody will be affected in a negative way." Audric said.

"But it's cheating." Letha said.

"Cheating, Smeating, big deal. This is a stupid race." I said, Letha turned away, blushing furiously, and muttered something that sounded a lot like "boys." Audric grabbed his dragon gently, and tapped his hydraulic core. Surprisingly, just a few micro-bots or whatever, came out. They then, jumped into the dragon's mouth. The dragon began to shake, and it's eyes flared, a dark-blue, then resorted back to normal.

"Dragons on tables! Ready..steady...go!" Professor Jenkins bellowed. Audric's dragon, zoomed past the rest, and was easily wining, we snickered.

"Audric's dragon, has wo-" Professor Jenkins began but was cut off by a loud screeching noise. Her face became slack in horror, her cheery demeanor completely disappeared as she gave us all back our dragons hastily, and urged us to get inside. Ethan looked as though he had peed in his pants, which he most likely did. We headed to the Bailey, of the castle and sat down. Every professor was there, from what I assumed. There were three others I hadn't seen before. One with green hair, and black eye-liner around her eyes, and fashionable clothes. She looked like a magician on multiple "happy" drugs. There was another teacher, who was bulky and bald. He pounded his chest repeatedly, looking pumped for something. Occasionally stroking his stubbly beard. Lastly was a female with a beautiful face, a nice dress, and dazzling, blue eyes. She smiled at a boy in the crowd, who sighed, and turned scarlet, smoothing his hair.

  "Now. This is a very dire situation, you must all pay attention, this is for your safety. As you know, Aroma had been attacked countless times this past month as you arrived recently, you would not know, and now, the enemy's worst forces are being unleashed in order to slaughter us, mad we are teaching the bold heroes that will rebel against them. It is very likely that we will be invaded, so I ask, shall you fight?" The Headmaster said. An uproar of applause and shrieks answered the question.

"Now you'll be doing minor fighting, the higher years shall be dueling head to head, and alongside with us teachers. Be brilliant and bold as you defend this. Brunhild, is your current home, defend it with the utmost pride." The Headmaster concluded. I twirled my dowel rod, curious to see what I could do and ready to prove myself. Audric quickly read the page he was on, grasping any last bit of knowledge I guess, and we headed into the hallways. We saw hundreds of students, filing out of the school, copper, gold, silver, and diamond rods in hand. 

       One particularly pretty girl had her blond head pressed against the chest of a male, who was tall and lean, with teased brown hair, who looked brave. I found Audric and Letha as well as my dorm-mates. Audric was reciting some nerdy stuff, thinking of what to do, I tried thinking of the spells to use. The day before I had memorized  a random spell book, and I wanted to put the spells into good use. Then suddenly, we heard ear splitting roars and shrieks. Massive dragons, with scales, and pointed tails, crashed into the castle. Goliaths with war hammers charged down, causing minor tremors with every step. We heard the sound of spells being shouted. A few creatures broke in, but were quickly killed with basic spells. 

       Then it became silent. Not a sound was heard. And all hell broke loose. The doors opened, as men in leather suits, pointed guns at us. I heard Letha say: "Trireeme gunpowder...deadly to those that are selected." I became ten times more afraid. I sprinted, gaining that sense of speed I received whenever in danger, I thrusted my dowel rod, and it elongated into a staff. I remembered a spell from the book.

  "Mismadrevigus!" I bellowed. I bolt of fire, engulfed several of the men, causing them to disintegrate. I looked down in bewilderment at my staff. Audric took a few objects out if his robes, and started tinkering. Within seconds a fully functional automatic turret, as he called it, was made. It blasted a blue goo, at the men, which burned like acid. Audric inspected the machine, and continued to work on it. Eventually it was the size of me and had two extra blasters on the sides.

"Brilliant, absolutely spiffing!" Audric muttered to himself like a mad scientist, loud enough for everyone to hear. He looked embarrassed. Suddenly there was silence yet again. The professors entered the academy, some burned, some scratched and battered but they chuckled, and eventually fell to the floor in hysterics. The teachers then saw my staff in hand, and looked at Audric's machine. They gaped. 

      "You've finally done it." Said one teacher with orange hair. They gathered us up, just Audric and I, as we headed down towards the Headmaster's office. He looked cheerful, although a bit of sorrow was hidden behind his eyes. 

   "Do you know what you have done?" Headmaster Goelet said. I shook my head, Audric gave a slight nod.

   "We've actually used an important part of our abilities." Audric said. 

"That is correct. But I've noticed something in your friend. Merek, you I will have a mentor for you. A very good friend of mine, we shall see what he makes of you. Your skill requires a great deal of intellect, and ingenuity. My very own brother, the last Cynrac, shall assist you.

     "But I believe you mentioned that I was the last Cynrac in centuries. How old is your brother exactly?" Audric asked. 

   "The same age I am. Which happens to be sixty." Headmaster Goelet said, as though that cleared everything up. Audric was going to question him even more but was cut short. A tall and lean man stood, I instantly realized that it was Sir Clifton. Next to him stood a Caucasian man in a lab-coat, appeared, with a dark-blue, symbol which had three triangles connected. It spun and the man was shown completely. He had gray hair, a trimmed beard, and wore small spectacles. He also had black loafers, and wore khakis. He inspected Audric.

   "A fine boy I see, most likely intelligent. Hmm, a bit skinny but he should do fine. Ah, come with me," The man said "I am Doctor Eiden." And with that, Audric and Doctor Eiden disappeared. 

    "Well that leaves you and I, Merek. I have a great deal in faith in you." Sir Clifton said.

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