Unleashed (Merek)

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So, yeah after the blackout I reappeared back in my room and apparently the same thing happened to Audric except he was on the floor instead. Our other two roommates weren't here. That's a good thing. I was eager to talk to Audric about what happened in our lessons. I asked Audric what he had learned, he began to answer but was interrupted as a green beam zoomed into the room. The door was open. I'm pretty sure when I came in it was closed. Audric stepped back as a message projected from the beam. Apparently it was addressed to the two of us. Excitement coursed through me as I realized who it was from, the Headmaster, it read:

    I understand that you two have been wanting to speak to each other. However I advise you not to talk about it, but if you must, use your hydraulic cores. Tap your arms together and they should be linked. When a message arrives it will appear in your head. If you wish to speak to someone, you will be speaking in their head. I must warn you, by doing this, if one of you happens to die, you both shall. Only the greatest of friends could potentially bare this curse. Be Careful and Have a good night.

    We stared at one another, curious as to whether we should do this.

I spoke first: "Listen, uh, you're my best friend, I'll do this if you want to."

    Audric paced the room, in deep thought. "We should most likely do this. I presume that we have a greater bond than others." Audric said. He stood in front of me, I nodded and lifted up my arm, he did the same action. We both tapped them, and in unison they began whirring. We tapped each others hydraulic core, with our arms, and suddenly a flash of great blue light blinded us. Audric, can you hear me? I thought. Quite clearly. Audric's voice said in my head. I grinned thinking about how cool it was.

"Let's go down to dinner." I said, we headed down. Audric's lab-coat billowing, and my mage robes swishing. The massive dining hall was open, and the clatter of knives and forks was heard. We sat down next to Letha, with Ethan and Hewell on the opposite side. All eyes were on us as we entered due to our peculiar robes, but we weren't the only ones. Letha wore green robes, with a stitch. She was reading, a large book, and looked at us.

   "Did you-?" She began, I nodded not wanting to speak about it yet.

"Did you guys hear? Our dragons are going to be full adults!" I heard a young girl, with red hair say. I remembered her from Professor Jenkin's lessons.

   "Really now? Where did you receive that information?" Audric asked.

"From a dorm mate silly!" The girl said, smiling. "My name is Rosmelda." She said, sticking out a warm, small hand. Audric went back to reading, ignoring the hand, I shook it. Rosmelda didn't seem concerned with Audric though. Audric ate a few spoonfuls of porridge, while I attacked the eggs and toast. Then we headed outside for our next lesson with Professor Jenkins. She looked eager, and unaware of us approaching as she looked over a massive device, with a magma base, and a test tube appearance.

"Just right, oh I do hope they appreciate this!" She said to herself as she inspected the machine. I coughed, and she spun around surprised.

"Ah students! Please take a seat hopefully you all have your eggs?" Professor Jenkins asked. We all nodded, we had stored ours inside our hidden pockets of our specialized garments. We took them out, and placed them on our laps.

"As I am sure you've heard, we will be ah, speeding up the process of growth in your dragon. As you have been reading your pamphlets, tell me, what is the normal amount of time for a dragon to fully mature?" Professor Jenkins said. Letha's hand shot up into the air, symbolizing a rocket as she moved up and down in her seat, eager to answer.

"Yes Letha?" Professor Jenkins asked.

"Well if anyone else bothered to read Dragons:A Complex History In Time, they would know the basic principles including the fact that our specific breed, the Shinrax take two entire years to fully mature." Letha said so very quickly that I could only grasp a few words.

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