Brunhild (Audric)

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We feasted gleefully and wonderfully. It was the greatest meal I had ever devoured before, Merek and I were whispering silently, as we discussed what would occur within a matter of a few hours. We eventually slept, waking up joyfully. We wore brown tabards, with black spats. With our minor luggage, we stood outside of the house, waiting for a fine, modern sized, carriage to deliver us to the camp. We boarded the carriage, which had enough space to accommodate twenty children and a single adult. A stout man, who was quite plump was the coachman. He requested for our letters, skimming over each, without the smallest reaction. He told us to sit down, with a stultified grunt. We sat down across from each other, gazing out of the windows, at the magnificent castles that we passed. A young girl, our age happened to sit down at the other end, occasionally glancing at us, with a small amount of remorse.

"Hello there, strange times isn't it? Hopefully the camp will be as splendid as I imagined. My name is Letha Hopkins." She said, sticking out a small hand for both of us to shake. I began to analyze her features. She had luscious, flowing, brown hair, with oak skin. She wore a fine, black dress with a white collar. We continued to ride, as the carriage bumped across, uneven patches of earth.

"So, where is it that you come from?" Letha asked clearly attempting to begin a flowing conversation.

"Glendsdale." Merek and I answered in unison. She nodded, her eyes lit up.

"That's right, I've seen you before, on the way to the courtyard. I typically try to introduce myself, but you never seem to notice me." She replied. My cheeks reddened unprofessionally.

"Well I happen to apologize for that." I responded, Merek nodded eagerly. Letha was about to answer with a subtle response when we abruptly came to a stop. The man waddled off of the carriage, and filed us all out. The camp was breathtaking. In fact, I questioned why it was referred to as a camp. It was a massive castle, one as large as The kingdom of Aroma. There were multiple tents outside, with tables, and chairs. I assumed that was where we would be taking our lessons. We entered the castle, passing through the moat. The massive rooms, had chamber doors leading to each. We walked, our foot steps, echoing throughout the vast hallways. We continued to walk absentmindedly, as a group of orcs passed by, with dark, green skin, and yellowish fangs, sticking out as though they had an underbite. They grunted at us, each wearing knightly suits, and looking uncomfortable. One Orc, grunted and the others began undressing directly in front of us, shaking their bellies, and grunting repeatedly, which I interpreted as laughter. Each and every female, gasped, and closed their eyes with an unearthly shriek. A tall, elven adult, came with sleek blond hair, down to his waist, pale, blue eyes, and a bow, constructed out of wood and stone, slung over his back along with a quiver of arrows.

"Come on then, Rufus! No need in bothering our new students!" The elven male said. The orcs apparently respected him because they trudged away, still grunting with laughter.

"Right then, hmm, you don't appear to have a guide, I suppose I shall take you to royal courtyard." The elf said. We continued to walk down the hallway, trudging our feet against, the carpet which seemed to stretch on infinitely. We then went to a massive seating area, otherwise known as the Bailey. We sat down, for what seemed like fifteen minutes when a loud, thundering noise was heard outside. The murmuring subsided, and all eyes turned towards the doors to the side of the Bailey. The door flew open and shimmering warriors, in sleek battle gear, stormed in. Orcs, Elves, Goblins, Knights, Brutes and more filed in. They stood in the front of the room, bowing towards us. One knight, in shimmering, chain-mail armor with small bits of reinforced iron, stood at the front.

"We warri'rs has't travel'd far and wide, we art bestow'd upon thee the present day, in 'rd'r to showeth the wide rampallian'rtment of hurlyburly b'rn h'roes!" The knight said. Our facial expressions were blank. Old English was beginning to fade, at this time, and we had hardly memorized it. The knight looked agitated, and rolled his eyes, he stepped to his right, and a young girl, stepped out. She wore a shimmering blue dress, and had flowing black hair, with sharp, steely, gray eyes. My heart began beating at a quicker rate. She cleared her throat and began to properly translate.

"We warriors have traveled far and wide, we are bestowed upon you today, in order to show the wide assortment of battle born heroes!" She said smoothly, as though she had done this countless times. She stepped back, allowing the knight to stand in front yet again.

"Now-" A goblin began, when a tall figure stepped through the door. A fellow, with a long, silky, white goatee, with green eyes, a polished, bald head, and a white Knight's jacket stood at the front.

"Ah quite the clever trick, Esmeralda. However, illusionment is not necessary for today." The man said, flicking his hand, as the warriors all disappeared, and the maiden was all that was left. She pouted.

"As you can see, magical duplication is used as in an entertaining format." The man said.

"Ah how terribly rude of me, my name is Goelet Nightingale, and welcome to Brunhild. Here you will either learn to become a proficient and skilled knight, or a powerful, and proficient mage. Or potentially an inventor, although we haven't had one for centuries at this point." Headmaster Goelet said, staring directly at me, which was rather unnerving. Merek also glanced at me occasionally, looking rather nervous."I will now hand you this hydraulic core. Once placed upon your preferred arm, it will track your progress throughout the years of Brunhild." Merek's preferred hand was his right and so was mine. The hydraulic core changed color to what color you wanted. Mine happened to change to a dark shade of blue and Merek's changed to a lighter blue."Now let me explain the process of mentoring. Everyone is assigned a professor. Three people to a professor, however you shall have lessons with other professors of course. Whoever your primary professor is, is who you happen to report to and may take you on specialized lessons. You two posses incredible power. So therefore I find it best that I teach you. Any questions?" He started walking and we followed, however I had one question. "Professor, who is our fellow partner?"

"I believe you've already met her, and if you don't recall, I introduce Letha Hopkins." The headmaster said as she walked into the hall. At the corner of my eye I saw Merek trying to smooth his rather tangled, and ridiculously messy hair. Letha plopped down in between Merek and I, smiling. Her hydraulic core, glowed a shimmering light-green. The triangular core, gleamed in the light. Headmaster Goelet, lifted both of his hands, in which three Professors, from both his right and left strolled inside. Three females, and Three males entered in velvet robes. Headmaster Goelet introduced each one, the teacher of mythical creatures was a kind, young female, with short, black hair, and piercing, orange eyes. Her glasses were slanted to the side, and she seemed jittery."Hello, My name is Ariel Jenkins, but to you I am Professor Jenkins. I happen to teach direct magic as in turning things into animals, making a magical item, and so forth." The next one was a man with extensive gray hair that seemed to reach his back. He has cold, calculating blue eyes."My name is Ari Vano. To you I am Professor Vano. I teach the intellectually stimulating course of Medieval History." The next person had sea green eyes, and he looked like the most playful. He had red hair, and bangs that almost covered his eyes. He waved at us and introduced himself: "Hello, I am Ewan Willem and, I happen to teach sword fighting." I noticed a glistening blade, in a hilt that was attached to his waist. He blew his bangs away from his eyes, I noticed that he was also quite muscular, and tan. Letha was blushing as she looked at him, Merek looked rather irked but seemed to be admiring Professor Willem as well. I questioned who the other Professors happened to be, although my thoughts were soon interrupted.

"Ah, I believe that is enough for a single day. As you have barely seen anything of the Academy, tomorrow you shall learn more, and a great amount of knowledge will be bestowed upon you. Farewell students, now we shall have you situated into your dorms." Headmaster Goelet said. And immediately, a saw a small creature appear in front of me, and I collapsed as the world turned black with an abrupt jerk.

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