Selected (Merek)

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       I was selected. It was such a wonderful feeling, but I noticed that Audric was not sharing this mood. He seemed kind of, bummed out if you will. Audric was an intelligent fellow, I was more athletic, but we both shared smartness? Moving onward, I was smirking, pretty giddy that I was selected, but Audric seemed rather disappointed. I waited for the flash of light, but nothing appeared. 

   "Uh wait. There must be a mistake though, we're like brothers, uh..uh if I'm selected we must-" I began. Audric simply waved my babbling away.

   "There is genuinely no mistake. Congratulations, friend, you're powerful. I suppose you must go to the camp, come then, we must immediately find your parents." Audric said, with a smile that faltered occasionally. I kind of felt annoyed, just a tad since Audric was my best friend, and I thought he would be happier. But I guess since he wasn't selected he was a bit mad.

     "Art thou fine?" A maiden by the name of, Millicent asked. I snickered, Audric and I usually mocked the modern language.  It seemed so very stupid.  In case you don't know what stupid means, it is basically idiotic. I usually create simple words. Audric likes complex. 

    "Forsooth I am." Audric answered. We continued to storm to my parents house. Well both of ours really. See, our parents are all inventors, so they happened to work, and live under the same roof. We entered our house, and I rushed towards my parents shrieking.

   "SELECTED!" I bellowed, all heads turned towards me aside from Audric, who went to his room and read. My parents charged down and gave me quite the hug. I noticed Audric's parents look at his door expectantly to see a very Happy Audric bouncing up and then at this happiness . However they were disappointed to see that Audric did not appear from his room. They looked at me questionably and I answered them in a voice that suggested someone had died. "Audric didn't get- He wasn't selected. I'm sorry." Audric's father, Arthur was looking very disappointed and grave. His mother, Hazel, however was taking an almost different approach. She was crying, and her husband tried to calm her down. I was kind of disappointed that they didn't cheer me on or something

   "At least he has his intelligence." Arthur said.

"But no powers!" Hazel sobbed. I decided to go into Audric's/My room. He was hunched over reading. I knew he wasn't reading because he was on the same line. He was just staring at the book. I thought noticed a tear trace down his cheek but he wiped it away before I could be sure

"I know that you were not selected, it is pretty terrible." I said. Audric nodded solemnly. 

"Well, I suppose you'll be off to the camp eventually?" Audric asked, actually seeming curious.

"I guess." I responded, I sat down next to him. "So what do you want to do?" 

"I suppose we could-" as he said that, we heard the surprised cries of our parents. My mother and father, Gertrude and Anthony called my name, and I had a questioning look on my face but, I understood as the most beautiful bird came soaring through Audric/my room. It stopped in front of me, a blue letter clutched between it's talons. It dropped the letter then began to sing. I just stood there listening, and it sounded like better times, the time I met Audric, another moment when we saw a play, and then Sir Clifton giving us his helmet. The phoenix then turned and left, and everyone was just transfixed with tears in their eyes. The four parents were the first to come out of the trances and my parents gave me a hug and their hands tightened around me. I noticed Audric's parents do the same, and I heard her mother whisper, "I'm proud of you," to him.

  When my parents let me go I was staring at the blue letter. The day was turning into night but the letter had started glowing blue."Open it, then" My father said. I tore the envelope open to see the letter unfolded.

                        Dear Merek Titanswarm,

       My special, hidden sources have alerted me that you have been selected. This means you have immense power that is unique among humans! With your hidden abilities, you will need proper training. Tomorwen, yee shall be taken to a camp of grandeur to fully practice. This is only exclusive to those that are selected. No supplies is necessary, everything shall be provided at the camp. Farewell!

         - Goelet, Headmaster of Brunhild 

I gaped down at the letter in glee, but the strangest thing happened, a small beam of light appeared over Audric, but it was not a symbol ever seen before. It had an alchemist's potion, with a book behind it. A phoenix, which strangely entered the house once mine left, handing Audric a letter. This one did not sing, but gave Audric a quizzical look as though it were saying:    "Which planet did you come from?"

      Dear Audric Ecbeort,

     At this specific time, you were regarded as a brilliant inventor with unimaginable potential and intellect. Similar to being selected, you must be regarded immediately, along with Merek Titanswarm, which my sources tell me, is a young boy your age, who lives in the same household as you do. With your highly unusual gift, we hope that both you and Merek will be able to do extraordinary things, and not solely for Glendsdale. This is a secret that must not be shared. Thank you for your time.

       -Goelet, Headmaster of Brunhild

       "Wot is this? Some sort of inventing symbol? Never seen somethin' like that in my entire life." My father said. The door to the house burst open, as a small elderly man, with a glass eye, peered down at Audric.

    "Well I'll be a smitten grosnauger...I aven't seen this symbol since the days of ye olden Sir Caddywacker. Yer' the Contrent! The special inventor! Aye me boy, we've gotta get ya to the camp soon. Yer definitely not selected though..strange.."  The man said, smoke from a pipe, radiating off of his breath. I smiled in glee, Audric and I were going to the camp! But Audric's parents looked a bit frightened, and I had an idea why. The camp was a dangerous place and they weren't sure that Auric could survive without powers.

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