Chapter 3

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Every moment of free time I had was either writing to Lafayette or actually spending time with him. Our relationship seemed to be moving fast, this was mostly likely cause by the war nearing. He would occasionally have to go off for a little bit to fight, but we were always talking. We both knew we loved each other with all of our hearts.

Alex had been acting weird theses past few days and I was worried him and lafayette had a falling out. "Alexander did something happen you have been acting been acting weird lately?" "Everything is fine." I know everything's not fine but I don't want to get into another fight. This is really worrying me. At Least Lafayette is coming over for dinner, I am making the same thing I made when he first came over to my house.

Dinner could not be going any better. All they want to talk about is the war which is fine with me because it looks like they are not in a fight anymore. I look from Lafayette and my brother they both look extremely nervous, but I think it is because the war is really starting to pick up.

We move the conversation into the living room and my brother excuses himself. Alexander and Lafayette give each other gentle wave but I notice. Lafayette stands up and looks like he is going to be sick. "Are you alright?" "Oui, my love I have something to get off of my chest. The past month has been the best month of my life. Since the moment I saw you knew i wanted to get to know you. It would be my great honor if you would marry me?" I felt tears in my eyes. "Yes yes!" He pulled out the prettiest ring ever. Alexander was in the corner of the room with the biggest smile on his face. "Since we are getting married, would you like to go to the winter ball together?" I knew he already knew the answer. "Yes but I have nothing to wear." "I knew you would say that" Alexander finally piped into the conversation with a box in his hands it was the prettiest red dress I had ever seen. "Thank you so much. Maybe you will meet Mrs. Hamilton at the ball." "Don't get ahead of yourself, sister."

Lafayette and I stayed in each other's arms on the couch for the rest of the night planning our little wedding. The wedding would be a month after the ball which was only three days away. Those days would pass by so fast.

Lafayette and I rode together. I had my hair curled with two piece pulled back to help it stay out of my face. I tried to look pretty but not so much that I would draw too much attention, I mean I am here with my future husband. All eyes turn to us when we walk in. The word has gotten around that we were getting married, and it is all thanks to Lafayette running around saying she said yes. General George and Martha Washington were the first to approach us. "I heard she said yes" Washington said in a somewhat joking tone. While Martha just grabbed my hand to look at the ring. "This ring is wonderful. Look!" She was saying while showing the people around us. We made our way to the rest of the gang who i had never formally met. Lafayette was talking to someone but i kept was walking. "Laurens. John Laurens" He said grabbing my hand and kissing it. He clearly did not see the rock on my left hand. Then a bigger guy pushed him to the side. "Sorry about my friend. My names Hercules Mulligan." Then I felt an arm around waist and two throats clearing, Alexander and Lafayette. "Are you hitting on my sister?" Laurens and Mulligan had not made the connection and were very taken back. I felt a kiss on my cheek. I put my left hand on his chest to show off my ring. "This is Alexandra 'Lexi' Hamilton, and soon to be Alexandra de Lafayette." I could hear a barely audible oh shit coming from the two men. Both looking at the ground releasing that they had not only hit on Alexander's sister but the woman who was engaged to Lafayette. "Nice to meet y'all." this was my first time speaking up. I see Alex's eyes dart to the door. The Schuyler Sisters walk in, they are the envy of all. Lafayette and I dance the night away, and on slow songs my head in on his chest. By the end of the night I see the Alex and Eliza Schuyler have really hit it off.

That next week I spent a lot of time with the Schuyler sisters trying to get to know them. We hit it off instantly, and they all want a part of the wedding. They are going to be my bridesmaids since I don't really have friends. It is now a week away from my wedding and Alexander has an engagement ring for Eliza. Of course she says yes, and we are all so excited.

I am kinda freaking out. Today is my wedding. What if I fall? I let the sisters do my makeup and hair. I feel so special today, but that is the point. I hear the guest arrive. I don't know half of the guest neither does lafayette, but our marriage is kind of a big deal because he is in the military from france and working with france to help us and my brother is fight for the war to and Washington is like a father to me. John and Peggy walk down the aisle then Mulligan and Angelica and then Alex and Eliza. I had asked General George Washington the walk me down the aisle since I have no father and I did not want one of the sisters to walk alone. He could tell I was nervous. "History has its eyes on you and me, but we can make it through this." I simply smile at him as we began to walk down the aisle. I don't remember much because i was just looking in to Lafayette's eyes. Our first kiss as man and wife was the best moment of my life. The world seemed to stop in its tracks.

The reception was the party ever. When I danced with my brother, we both had tears in our eyes because even though i was only moving like a 3 blocks away that was the farthest we had ever been from each other. I shared a dance with General Washington and thanked him for all that he has done for Alexander and I. The best part was dancing with my husband, i can't believe he is my husband. After the party we took a carriage to our new home, and it was much bigger than my last home. Lafayette carried me from the carriage all the way to the bedroom for our wedding night.

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