Chapter 9

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I am so lucky to have such an amazing little family. Little George is the happiest baby ever, but when he is upset it is not a pretty site. I decide to head over to see my nephew philip because today is his second birthday. I know i am going to be around a few other moms that have children around George and Philip's age, so i decide to put on something that doesn't show that my body looks better than what is looked like before i had him. I am very fortunate that my body went back to normal within 4 months of having George the only thing that changed was that my breast got bigger and never got smaller, which i am not complain because i know have a hourglass figure instead of looking like a stick with hips.

George is talking nonsense in my ear. He can form sentence but usually he talks way too fast and he usually talks in a mix of French and English. Lafayette gives me the look he gives me when my brother is talking nonstop. WE should have named him Alexander it would have fit him better. "Just think soon we will be in Paris just you and me for 4 months." I whisper in his ear making sure George doesn't hear because Alex and Eliza agreed to take care of George when ever we decided to go to France but with the party we haven't have time to tell them but today is the day. I'm excited we finally get to go after almost 3 years of marriage. Alex opens the door with the biggest smile with a hint of relief.

"BONJOUR!!!" George screams and almost jumps out of Lafayette's arms into my brothers. If you did not know any better you would have thought George was Alex's son except he is tanner than both Elisa and Alex and he has Lafayette's smile. Alex sets George down. "Come on my little right hand man." "Hello brother." I fake a serious tone trying not to laugh. "Hello sister." We break out laughing we know we can rarely be serious around each other unless something is really wrong. "There is my favorite sister in law" "I'm your only one." "You are still my favorite." "Why don't y'all come in."

The party had been going on for about an hour and it is for George's nap. I decide to talk to them. Alexander went into his study about 10 minutes ago to finish up some work, so I give my husband the look and maybe kinda dragged Eliza into his study. "Look we know this is sudden but we are going to France and we leave in a week." I almost winch when Eliza opens her mouth. "I am so excited for you. I am assuming you want us to watch George. We can make that work."

We were about to dock on the coast of france then take a carriage to Paris. I miss George so much. I am remembering when we dropped off he seemed so happy i hope he is still happy. I started laughing to myself because i remembered what my brother said right before we left. "You kids be safe and don't do anything i would not do. Be safe. Don't worry about us we will be fine."

Finally we setting into our house. Apparently as a wedding gift someone bought us a house in paris and in the countryside of France. We are going to spend a month in the city because Lafayette needs to get some work done and then spending the other three in the countryside for some personal time. I am so excited and so is my husband i mean he can really speak french 24/7 and everyone understand him, well i mean the hamiltons and i know french but not very many other people. Now i am just waiting on the right time to tell him my big news.

Lafayette has been working all day with an American named Thomas Jefferson. I made us a romantic dinner with candles. Then i hear footsteps and see my husband with a really big box. "What is in the box?" "Why don't you open it?" I start to get tears. It is the most wonder dress in the world but i won't be able to wear it for a long time. "Do you not love it?" "I do but I can't wear it because soon my stomach is going to get bigger." A smile that I'm sure they could see in New York comes across his face. "Are you saying?" "Yes. George will finally have a little sibling in about 6 months."

4 months fly by fast. We are supposed to leave for America today and i am so excited. I have been writing to the Hamiltons, and we are giving each other updates. George is doing well and Alexander occasionally will take him to work and will will hang out with the other George. George and Philip are great friends but they do fight i mean they are boys. All I can think is poor Eliza because she is basically taking care of 3 toddlers. This time i did tell Alexander about the pregnancy unlike last time. Eliza and Alexander both are excited, but I asked them not to tell George because I wanted to tell him. Lafayette has loved being apart of this pregnancy because last time he basically came home to a baby.

Should the next baby be a girl or boy?

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