Chapter 6

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I am now about 6 months pregnant, and my morning sickness has almost gone away completely. I do not recommend 2 pregnant women living in the same house worried sick about their husbands because the emotions are everywhere.

I was trying to get dressed today when there was a knock at the door. Eliza said that she would get it. Today I decided that I was going to even try to put on a corset because it was too much work and it wasn't doing anything for me. I heard a familiar voice at the door. It was my brother. I started to cry. I can't let my brother see me like this he will be so mad that i did not tell I was pregnant. I would be mad too if i came home and both my wife and sister were pregnant and did not tell me.

I put on one of my dresses that does not highlight my baby bump, but there is no hiding it. I overhear Eliza and Alexandre talking. He sounds mad that he did not know, but he also in a way sounds excited over having a son. She only told Washington. I told my husband and Washington and I made them promise not to tell him. I am such a bad sister. I sneak down to my study which used to be my brother's but I am using it right now. I start writing a letter to Lafayette asking why my brother is home. I start cry because it is unfair that Alex and home Lafayette is not. I am so alone at night and all I want is my husband. I don't care if it is only for one night. I am done with this revolution. All I want is my husband!

I hear a voice behind me. "Alexandra, are you okay I heard you cry? Are you not going to say hi to your favorite brother?" " Go away Alexander!" I can tell that hurt his feeling, but he takes a step closer. "Are you mad at me?" "I am pissed because you get to come home to your wife. While my husband could die fighting for a country he is not even from." I realize that I am standing up, in tears. My brother looks like he is the verge of tears. "Ally" The last person to call me that was my brother on her deathbed. "I am sorry Lafayette is not here" I guess he had not looked down at my big stomach. I am crying so hard i fall to my knees and I have a hand on my stomach clearly so how pregnant I am. "How could you not tell me you are pregnant? Does Lafayette know is that why he has been so happy lately?" I can hear the anger in his voice, but I can also hear the sadness in his voice. I know it must crush him to come home and see his sister and wife pregnant and him not knowing about it. I slightly shake my head, still crying even harder at the mention of my husband's name.

I hear him walking over and i know his is about to comfort me because he knows the last time I cried this hard was when our mother died. I look up at him with hatred and anger in my eyes. I know this is probably scaring my brother. "I TOLD YOU TO GO AWAY. HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTANDING? HAVE FUN WITH YOUR WIFE BECAUSE I WILL BE HERE PRAYING THAT MY HUSBAND IS NOT DIED. GO AWAY. I NEVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU OR SEE YOU AGAIN. IF I HEAR THAT MY HUSBAND HAS DIED IN THIS WAR, I WILL BLAME YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE." I have never yelled at my brother like this before.

I see that the tears in his eyes are finally starting to spill out. He sat down in the chair while i got up to go to my room. I pass by Eliza, she has tears in her eyes, I must have really scared her too. I whispered in her ear for her to please bring my dinner to my room. She shook her head yes.

Did not go out of my room for 2 weeks. Eliza brought my letters and meals to my door. She would come in to talk to me almost everyday. She did not try to apologize for Alexander and she did not talk about him. Every night around the same time Alexander would come to my door and try to apologize and some nights he would even cry. Lafayette told me to forgive him, and that Alexander might have to go back to the war because it was hopefully ending soon.

My husband was right. A few days later Alexander received a letter saying that he was to return and that we would be in charge of troops. Eliza was slightly sad about this but she knew the war was almost over. In the letter to me from George Washington, he told me to forgive Alex because if something happened I would regret if for the rest of my life. Lafayette must have told to Washington about the problems we are having.

I finally came out of my room. It is a before my brother leaves, again. He sees me walking down the stairs. I bet he notices my tear stained face and the dark circles under my eyes from not sleeping. I do not say a word. I just hug my brother. I missed him so much. When we break from the hug we both have tears in our eyes. He looked at my stomach. "How far along are you?" "About six months." "Do you know the gender?" "No." "I am so so sorry." "I know." That night I eat dinner down stairs but I did not say a word.

The next I got up to say goodbye to my brother. I spoke my final words to him while we were hugging goodbye. "Alex, please come home safe. Your child need a dad, and my kid needs an uncle. Please try to stay alive and safe. Please don't do anything stupid. Tell Lafayette I love him." They should be home in a few days.

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