Chapter 10

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We are about to get off the boat. I heard many families wanting for their loved ones. Eliza said they would be there, but Alexander may be work because he has been working more nonstop than ever. How am I going to tell George he will have a little brother or sister in about a month or so?

"You ready." Lafayette has his hand out to help me get up. "Now or never." My eyes instantly find Alexander and Eliza. We start to head towards them. I hear a voice. Tears start to escape my eyes. "Mère. Mommy. Père. Daddy." Lafayette scoops up our overjoyed son. "We missed you." "Daddy what happened to mommy's stomach?" His language is the clearest I have ever heard for a 2.5 year old. "I'm pregnant which means soon you will have a brother or sister." "Really?" "Oui" says his father. "How was he?" I look over at Eliza. "He was great. You have a smart kid on your hands." "He gets it from his amazing uncle." Alex butts in. "Anyway all of stuff is at our house. He very much enjoyed going to work with Alexander." "Did Philip go to work with him,too?" "No Philip only wants to read. You excited for another baby." "Yes. I think it is a girl. No matter the gender they around Lafayette wrapped around their finger." "So does this one" Eliza moves her hand to her stomach. I had not noticed she was pregnant. "Are you and Alexander happy?" "Extremely." "What am I chopped liver?" "Alex I missed you the most. I don't I have gone this long without you."

George and Philip did not fully understand so Eliza and I had to explain it to them, and they both seem excited. I'm just wondering if they will be jealous. "Mommy when will the baby be here?" "Any day now." I said making him and Lafayette breakfast. Lafayette has been working from home since we got home he seems to enjoy it but sometimes I am the one wanting him out of the house. As if the answer George's question my water breaks, and I want to scream out in pain but I don't want to scare George. "Georgie would you please go get your father and say that it is important." He look extremely scared when he left. I finally let out a scream of pain. Lafayette comes running into the kitchen holding a crying George. "Lexi, I'm gonna be back soon with the doctor. Anything else?" "Hamiltons." Was all I could get out before another pain in my stomach. Lafayette walks me to the bedroom and kisses my forehead. "George mommy is going to be okay. Do you want to stay with her or go with me?" "Stay." Lafayette sets George on the bed with me. "George, I'm going to be okay. I am not even in the much pain. Don't cry. You know I went through this same thing with you." "I promise I will protect my little sibling." That was the cutest thing even with his little 2 year old accent.

I'm trying to hold my pain in when I hear hordes of footsteps. "How are you?" Eliza asks. "How do you think?" "Hey my little right hand man why don't you come with me?" Alexander says trying to calm George and get him out. "No." I can't hold back the pain anymore. I grab Alexander's collar. "GET OUT OF HERE WITH MY SON NOW!" I scream into his ear.

12 hours. During all my screaming I could hear George crying. I think Alexander finally took him and Philip outside to play. Then I was handed the most beautiful baby girl in the whole world. The first time Lafayette held her it was the cutest thing she already learned how to do puppy dog eyes on him. "She is beautiful just like her mother. Belle de Lafayette?" "Yes" "I'll go get the other boys" says Eliza. When George saw Belle his eyes lite up more than when Alexander said he would teach him how to write. I heard George whisper something in Belle's ear. "I will always protect you and make you happy and keep you safe."

Belle was the quietest and calmest newborn I have ever met.

My musical book is up. It will have slow updates. It is called Independence, and I would love your feed back. Also, I am planning on doing another chapter tonight

- L

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