Chapter 11

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Today is George's 5th birthday and all he wanted was a small party with the Hamiltons and he wanted to invite the Burrs. I made sure to tell Alex to be on his best behavior. I was happy he want to have a small party because once again I was pregnant. I was so over being pregnant this time because i haven't slept because this baby is nonstop and due in less than month.

I hear a knock at the door. Of course Aaron Burr was the first to show up. Theo and George are really close and so are them and Philip. I think it would be cute if one of the boys dated Theo, but i don't think Alex or Aaron would like that very much. Theo is one of the sweetest girls. I like her the most out of George's friends because she is well behaved and she most of the time will play with Belle, who is now 3, when the boys get on her nerves.

I heard another knock. The Hamiltons are here. "How is my little right hand man doing?" "Great." "Alexander can I speak to you?" I say in a somewhat serious tone. "Sure" "Burr is here. I know yall are not the best of friends, but today is not about you. Today is about your right hand man. Got it?" "Yes." I turn to Eliza and the rest of their family. "Philip, George and Theo are in the garden outside." I saw walk as fast as he could without running. "Now how is my favorite little niece?" Little Angelica gives me a thumbs up. "Well, Belle is in the kitchen watching the cake cool. "How is my favorite sister?" I asked Eliza. "Morning sickness is really bothering me right now, but other than that I am okay. Your brother is starting to work more." "I know. Lafayette has tried to get him to calm down." The rest of the party went great. Alex and Aaron barely said a word to each other. I guess that is better than shooting each other.

The newest member of our family was born a week after George's party. The baby has the biggest set of lungs I had ever heard on a kid. Maybe he would be more like Alexander than George because I really need another Alex in my life. George has turned out to be more of a Washington or Lafayette. We named the baby John Laurens de Lafayette after John Laurens. None of us had really been the same after he died and none of us talk about it. John was usually the loudest of the group where as Alexander is more nonstop on his opinions. Both Lafayette and Alexander got tears in their eyes when I told them John's name.

Five months later Alexander Jr. came into the world. Now I am just hoping John is not a replica of John or Alexander. I mean they are both great and wonder men but they don't/didn't know when to shut their mouths.

2 years since i had given birth to John and he was a hand full. He lots like he is going to be a ladies man just like his uncle. My kids are almost are opposites of each other. Belle and George is quiet and reserved whereas John says whatever comes to his mind. But Belle only really speaks if it is important and George speaks his mind but puts more thought into it than John Belle and John were very much so daddy's girl and boy. Where as George was more of a mommy's boy. I just hope this next one would be like me more. I haven't told Alexander or Eliza because Alexander has thrown himself head first into his work. I am going over to their house right now. I knock on the door. They both come to it. "Not to bother you all but Lafayette and I are expecting another child in a few months." "Congrats would you like to come in for a snack." "No. I have to go to the market." Now that is how you tell someone you are pregnant.

We were kinda popular in New York and I loved being in the spot light. Everyone always wanted to know how i was and everyone was so much nicer than when I arrived in New York. My little bundle of joy was born. I named his James Thomas just because I like the names. I felt more connected to him then my other children. Yes he was my favorite.


- L

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