Chapter 7

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I was officially 7 months pregnant and feeling a fat cow. Eliza was only about 5 months, but she was not super happy either. I think also saw how uncomfortable I was.

We were getting extremely worried because we had not heard anything either of our husbands. Especially for my brother was extremely rare.

Currently we were in the living room. I was pacing around the room because we should have heard something by now. I stop when I hear a knock at the door. I look at Eliza who has the most worried face. I slowly walk towards the door. I slowly open it when I see who is standing there I fall to my knees in tears, but before I hit the ground arms catch me. I have never cried to hard in my life. In the distance I can hear Eliza crying, not very hard it was just a few tears unlike me. I look into his eyes. I have not seen him in 7 months. We share the most passionate kiss I have ever had in my life. When we finally stop, Lafayette's hand goes straight to my stomach. I can see the pure excitement on his face. He kisses me again then kisses my stomach which makes me laugh. He keeps his arm around my ever growing waist as I walk over to see my brother. I share the biggest hug with my brother I fully forgive him and he knows it. I am the first to speak.

"Not to cut this reunion short but I would like to go home to my house and sleep in a bed with my husband" "She is already to go. Alexander she started packing the day after you left." "She is a slow packer" says my brother a playfully punch him in the arm maybe a little too hard. "That really hurt" I stick my tongue out at my brother. Out of my eye I see Eliza and Lafayette exchange a look like they did not realize they married children. "I will go and grab your bags." Lafayette finally fully lets go and kisses me again. This could take some getting used to. "I am happy you both are home" "I'm just happy I got home before my sister popped." This time I did hit him hard. "Alexandra de Lafayette in that corner. Alexander Hamilton that corner." I went to my assigned corner. "What is going on down here?" My husband said as he reached the bottom of the steps. "Lexi decided to hit Alexander after he basically called her fat." "Is that true?" He was directing it toward Alex. "I did not call her fat." "Yes you did. Now you got me crying because of these stupid pregnancy hormones. Thanks for getting me knocked up." This is why I hate being pregnant. "I think it would be best if we headed home. See you soon." My husband spoke putting his arm back around me and hugging me.

We arrive home less than 15 minutes later. Now I think about it sure we have been married for 7 months but only really been together 2 months. Before we reach the porch, my husband picks me up and is now carrying me bridal style into our house. "I missed you. I never stopped thinking about you and the baby." He said setting me down. "I missed you too. You are never leaving again." "I promise. I will not leave your side until this baby is born." "Well then I geuss we are both going to the store because no has lived here in months." "Let's go" he is really serious about not leaving my side.

It has been two months since the war ended.

We see Eliza and Alexander about every two days. They are coming over to dinner tonight. We are trying what to name the baby even though we don't know the gender. "We are not naming our child 'I married Alexander's twin and slept with her de Lafayette'. What means something?" "We could do something French." "Do you want people messing up their names if they don't know French?" "They will know how to pronounce it in France." "Who said we were moving to France. We have a life here my whole family is here." "It was always my plan." "Well your plan is going to change." Did he really expect me to move to France with him? Alexander and I promised we would never leave each other. "I am going for a walk." Not 5 minutes later I hear a knock at the door. It must be the Hamiltons. Right as I am about to open it, I feel like I peed myself and then the worse pain I have ever felt.

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