Frisk and Chara!

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Alright, these two are pretty interesting. Their personalities are pretty much the same, meaning they're kinda blank slates. However you want to portray them is fine, you do you man. For the sake of the AU, we're gunna stick as close to canon as possible and say Chara wasn't extremely pleasant and Frisk is pretty dang nice. Whatever gender you headcanon them as is fine too, just do whatever for these adorable babes.

As for backstories, it's pretty much the same. Well, no, Frisk's is different, but you're gunna have to wait and see for that, the point is that people don't know. Still, the main thing is that they both fell down a hole to the Underground, Chara still lived with the Dremurr's and eventually died from an illness, and Asriel died taking them back to their village. As for Frisk, what they do is up to the run that is happening, but it's basically the same.

I think that's about it for these adorable nerds, shall we move on?

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