Blue Exorcist || Shiemi

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    You sighed one more time to show Yukio your displeasure. He was dragging you to that Exorcist Shop and you could not possibly express how much you didn't want to go.

    "Please Yukio. I hate shopping. I don't wanna go. Why can't I just stay with Rin?"

    It was Yukio's turn to sigh. "You know very well why you can't stay with Rin. You two cannot be trusted alone together." You smiled as you remembered what exactly you and Rin did for Yukio to come to that conclusion. They were never going to let you back in that store again.

    "Besides," Yukio continued, " you're going to be an Exorcist, correct? You are going to have to go the shop sometimes. I still can't believe you've never gone. It's actually quite nice".

   You shoved your hands deep into you pockets and continued to follow with a scowl on your face.

   As you got closer your nose caught a whiff of something amazing. Yukio saw you take in a deep breathe through your nose and smiled.

    "That's the garden. You should go check it out"

   Your eyes lit up at his words. You loved flowers, and that meant you didn't have to go in the shop. Yukio pointed you in the direction of the garden and you ran off towards it.

    You slowed down when you reached the gate and went inside. You walked around for a bit taking in all the bright colors and amazing smells. Soon you came across a section of (f/f). You sat down on your knees and plucked one.

      You stood up to continue looked around when some girl bumped into you. You landed right in the middle of the flowers with the girl on top of you. You looked up and your (e/c) eyes locked in with panicked green ones. The girl quickly pushed herself off of you and bowed. Her blond hair covering her face.

    "Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to knock you over. I tripped over a root, I'm such a klutz, I'm so sorry".

   You stood up while she was apologizing and extended your hand towards her to help her up.

  "It's fine. Don't worry about it." You said, trying to put the girl at ease. Once she stood up and met your gaze, you saw the blush that had taken over her face.

   You guessed she was around your age and you couldn't help but stare at her cute face. That only caused her blush to worsen.

   Eventually, you pulled your hands back and stuffed them in your pockets. "I'm (y/n)" you stated casually while smiling.

   "I-I'm Shiemi." She stuttered but smiled back.

    "Do you know who's garden this is? These flowers are beautiful." You asked, hoping to start a conversation with the cute girl.

     "It was my grandmother's garden, but I grew the flowers that are here". She didn't stutter that time and you hoped that meant she was more comfortable.

"Well you've done an amazing job!" You exclaimed cheerfully. "I love flowers. I especially like the (f/f). They're my favorite."

    A blush once again crept upon the shy girls face. "Really!?! Thanks!"

    Before the conversation could go much farther you heard Yukio calling for you. "I got what I needed (y/n), it's time to go!"

   You sighed slightly and looked back at Shiemi. "I guess I gotta go" you said while rubbing your neck. "And be more careful next time. I don't want you getting hurt" with that you winked and ran off towards the sound of Yukio's voice. Leaving a blushing, smiling mess behind you.

For the next couple months you visited Shimei and helped her as much as you could, and you two became great friends; but both of you secretly wanted more.

      The next time you came to visit her she wasn't waiting for you at the gate, which was odd since that's where you always met, and she knew you were coming. Before you had time to dwell on that you felt something pull on you pants. You looked down to see a greenman. After he got your attention he made a gesture for you to follow him and you obliged. He was taking you along a path of (f/f) petals. Your mind was swarmed with scenarios of what could be going on, bouncing from one possible outcome to another.

     Soon the greenman stopped walking. You guessed you were supposed to find the destination alone now. Your eyes followed the petals and you eventually came across a terrified Shiemi. You smiled and walked towards her.

       "Hey Shiemi. What's going on" you asked. You wanted to clarify before you started jumping to conclusions. The little greenman from earlier hopped into her hands and made (f/f) pop out of his chest.

     "(Y/n)-chan, you are very important you me. You believed in me and helped me when no one else would. I-I love you!" Her voice grew louder as she spoke and she ended with a bow. You got down on your knees and looked up at her. You grabbed the greenman out of her delicate hands and placed them on the ground before holding her hands in yours.

      "Sheimi, look at me"

    She stood up straight again and met your gaze. She was blushing from the contact you two shared.

     "Sheimi. You are a strong, devoted and beautiful young woman. I love you too."

      After she processed your words she quickly bent down and placed a quick kiss in your lips. You smirked as you pulled her down to your level and pushed her back into the grass before climbing on top of her before she realized what was happening. You held yourself up with one hard and grabbed her face with another. You stroked her cheek with your thumb before crashing your lips into hers. She kissed back with a passion that was equal to yours.

      Your body was dominating hers and you loved it, but you didn't want to take advantage of her like that and wanted to wait until she was ready. You slowly pulled back and scanned your eyes over her blushing face. You sat up pulling her up with you and put her in your lap with her facing you. You grabbed a flower from the greenman and tucked it behind her ear before turning her around.

     You placed your head on her shoulder and lightly kissed along her neck while whispering sweet things into her ears, surrounded by the smell of the flowers.

First one shot. Yay! I'm sorry if that wasn't very good. I am trying. Feedback is appreciated. I hope my writing will improve and that I'll see you in my next one shot.

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