Death Note || Misa

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     Ok now bare with me everybody. I'm going to attempt to write a lemon. I've lot read them, but I've never written one before. I'm going to try for you guys.


        "I'm here Misa! Where are you?!" You yelled as you ran into your best friend's house. You dropped your spare key into your purse and tried to listen for the sobs of your friend. It wasn't really hard though. You tracked her sobs to her room before she could even whimper out a reply.

       You saw her on her bed crying and holding a stuffed bear you won her in a claw machine two years ago. You smiled a little knowing she still had it. You slowly approached her and wrapped your arms around her as you sat down next to her. You didn't have to ask her what was wrong. Her only text was 'i need you' and you already knew what was wrong. She was crying again. Over Light.

"Let it all out. I'm here for you" as soon as the words left your lips her whole body shuddered with the force of her sobs. You rubbed your hand soothingly up and down her back while trying to ignore how wet your shirt was becoming.

It broke your heart seeing her like this. Not only was she you best friend, but you've loved her for a long time. You could make her happy. You knew you could. You were finally going to tell her your feelings but then she got with Light, so you shoved them down inside you as far as they would go and tried to be happy fir your friend. It was just getting so hard.

After about 10 minutes of sobbing Misa just placed her head in your lap with a sad look on her face. You ran your fingers through the lengths of her hair trying to sooth her even more before talking.

"This is the third time this week he's made you cry, you know" you reminded her keeping your voice calm. She didn't respond.

"Why do you let him treat you like that" you asked her. You asked her that same question every time she cried over him. This time though, she answered.

"I love what Kira does. If Light is Kira then I thought I could love him too. Love makes people do crazy things"

       It shattered your heart when you heard her say that. You knew how much she liked Light fir what he did, but to love him? You knew that if she truly did love Light you would have to move on. You just needed her to say it.

       You stopped stroking her head before asking, "Do you really love him?"

      She looked up into your eyes before quietly replying "I'm not sure. How do I know for sure?"

       That lit a small fire of hope inside you. You smiled slightly before answering her. "Love is more powerful than any other emotion. If you love someone you would know. You'd always want to be with them. You'd always do whatever it takes to make them smile. You'd risk yourself to keep then safe. You'd always be there for them no matter how much it hurts you because you love them and that can over come any pain. Love is all that matters."

     While you were talking something snapped. You pushed her head off of your lap and sat up on your knees with Misa doing the same.

   "Do you know how I know that? It's because I love you Misa. I've been trying so hard to be happy fir you, but you make it so difficult. It kills me to see how Light's treating you, but if you can tell me that you really do love him I will push away my feelings for good and give your relationship my undying support. If you really want to choose him over me. He only hurts you and tells lies about his love, when I can treat you so much better and show you how much I love you. I just need to know. Do you love him?"

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