OHSHC || Haruhi

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    "Come on (y/n). You promised you would come with me today. (Y/n)!"

     Your best friend (b/f/n) was whining while she tried her hardest to get you come come with her to Music Room #3. You did promise, but you thought she would have forgotten.

   After a series of pushes, pulls, threats and promises of her own she finally sat down in front of you and looked up at you with teary eyes.

    "Please (y/n)-chan."

   You sighed and lowered your head while extending your arm fir your friend to drag you to your destination. She immediately jumped up and hugged you before grabbing your hand to lead you off.

    "Oh we're gunna have so much fun (y/n)! The twins have been asking about you and where you were. Honey got new cakes to try today too. I wonder if they will have a cool theme today..."

      Your friend talked on and on about the Host Club until you two reached the door. The whole way there you didn't speak a word. When you got to the door you friend stopped talking and opened it, still holding your hand. You were met with a ton of rose petals flying at you. (B/f/n) looked entranced so you thought you could sneak away, but the second you started to pull her grip on you tightened. She looked at you with the sweetest closed eye smile that slowly turned into an evil one.

     "Where do you think your going (y/n)-chan? You made a promise." When she said promise her grip tightened more. She then swung her arm foreword with so much force you tumbled inside the doorway. She quickly followed in behind you and closed the doors.

Looking around you see the Host Club was in full swing. Everywhere you looked there were girls squealing or blushing or just fangirling over the hosts. Kyoya soon made his way over to you.

   "Miss (y/n), Miss (b/f/n), I'm so glad you ladies are joining us today. Which hosts will you be seeing?" He asked sweetly. He even tacked on a smile at the end.

     "Ima go see Honey. Thank you kyoya. See you later (y/n)" you friend said those 3 sentences in a sophisticated manner and walked away at an acceptable speed. Once so put a good distance between herself and kyoya..."HONEY-SENPAI!!! DID YOU SAVE ME SOME CAAAAAAAKE!?!"

      "(B/F/N)-CHAN!!! OF COURSE I DID!!!"

    You giggled at the relationship (b/f/n) had with the small blonde and averted your attention back you Kyoya.

    "I'll go see the twins" you said before heading towards them.  

     "Ah yes, brotherly love" that's all he said before scribbling something in his notebook and walking off.

     The twins had a suspicious lack if customers today, and (b/f/n) said they wanted to see you so why not. You sat down on the couch they were occupying and just listened to them talk to the few customers they had, waiting for them to notice you. The twins didn't so much as spare a glance you way, but that was fine by you. Eventually, the their other customers went to "powder their noses" and no sooner than when they left the couch the twins slid next to you. Hikaru was on your left while Karou was on your right.

"So (y/n)," Hikaru started. "Is it true you like girls?" Karou finished.

A small blush dusted your cheeks. You never hid the fact that you liked girls but it was embarrassing for the twins to confront you about it. You nodded slowly.

"Well then" karou said dragging out his words. "We know a girl that likes you~" hikaru teased.

This time you blushed slightly harder. Your embarrassment clear on your face. Then your curiosity took over. "Who?" You asked like you didn't care when really you were dying to know.

Each twin grabbed one side of your head and turned it until your gaze was planted firmly on the clubs only female host. You connected the dots in your head and you blushed so hard you could put Tamaki to shame.

"Were not lying" said Karou.
"Go see her" commanded Hikaru.

"There are too many girls over their already" you claimed trying to find so excuses not to confront Haruhi. Your crush. You've liked her ever since (b/f/n) first dragged you to the host club. After she told you she was a girl and confirmed your suspicions your feelings developed into what most would call love.

"Leave that to us" they said in sync before winking at Honey.

Honey winked back before jumping up with cake and coffee.

"Hika-chan!!! Kao-chan!!!" The small host yelled. His yell got the attention of all of the customers and they watched to see what was about to unfold. Honey ran at the twins and bumped into hikaru. Honey bounced back where Mori was waiting to catch him. The coffee got all over hikaru and the cake got all over honey. Mori carried honey back to their couch and started wiping cake off of him.

It was around that time that the girls were starting to question their choice of host.

It was the twins turn to get the girls attention. "Hikaru your shirt's wet. Take it off" Boom! All eyes were on the twins. "I'm fine Karou" hikaru complained. Karou sighed and moved to take it off. The the customers had hearts for eyes. Then they went fir the kill. "Your chest is still wet, let me dry it fir you." Karou took off his shirt and gently went to dry hikaru'a chest.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" All the customers collectively screamed and ran towards the twins or to honey, leaving haruhi alone and tamiki in the emo corner.

     Out of the corners of their eyes the twins glanced at you, waiting fir you to go see haruhi. You took in a deep breath and went to go see your crush.

      You softly sat down beside her and cleared your throat. "H-hey haruhi" you mentally cursed at yourself fir stuttering.

     "Hey (y/n)" she said happily and gave a closed eye smile blushing slightly. When she opened her eyes you couldn't help but stare. Those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes, they were so big and bright and trusting. You summoned all of your courage and tried to bring up that uncomfortable question.

   "I have something to ask you haruhi" you says with your voice wavering slightly.

    "What is it (y/n)?" She asked so sweetly. You knew you has to ask.

    "Karou and hikaru said that you, you l-liked me. Do you? It's okay if you do cause I-I like you too." You kept your voice low and soft then punctuated your words with a kind smile.

    Instead of an answer all you got was wide eyes. Her face showed only shock. "I-I'll just go" you said trying to get away before your tears started to flow. Haruhi got up with you and turned you so you could sit back down. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could kyoya came up behind her and bumped hips with her hard enough to make her fall on you.

     She caught herself with her elbows and had one on each side of your head and both of you were blushing so hard you thought you would each die from embarrassment. You wiggled slightly to signal fir her to move but before she got up she placed a quick kiss on you lips. Both of the got up and fixed yourselves on the couch. Both of you had the ghost of a smile on your face but it was hard to see over your shock.

      "I like you too" haruhi clarified for you. Kyoya came up behind the two of you and whispered in your ears.

     "I have no problems with your relationship but I have to ask that you keep in secret. It's bad for business."

        That caused both of your blushes to quickly return. "A-are you ok with a relationship?" You asked quietly.

      She shrugged and smiled. "It means it get to do this" and she kissed you once again. Kyoya sighed and placed his notebook in front of you to block your kiss from the customers' view.

     "I said keep it secret" he hissed.
You just looked at eachother and giggled.

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