Black Butler || Mey-Rin

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     Mey-Rin glanced up and down the length of the street looking for her target, but only saw a little girl sitting in between two buildings. When she saw no one else was there she decided to take out her target's file one last time. There was a picture of a beautiful girl with (h/l), (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes. She was smiling. Below that was her name: (Y/n) (L/n).

     (Y/n) sold explosives to criminals through the black market. She sold a faulty grenade to someone and it ended up killing them instead of the intended target. The father of the victim was furious but couldn't sue (y/n) without ending up in jail himself, so he did the next best thing. He hired Mey-Rin to kill her.

     If you continued to look through the file you could find more information on (y/n) such as her birthday, allergies, place of residence, ect. None of that really mattered though. Mey-Rin never trusted the files and always observed her soon to be victims before making her move. That's how she decided when to strike.

     Mey-Rin killed many people before but that never really bothered her. She always could look past it. They were bad people anyway. (Y/n) was different. She lived a bad life, but she wasn't a bad person. Soon she saw (y/n) coming down the street so she shoved the file in her pocket and got her gun ready.

     She really didn't want to shoot (y/n). While watching her the past few week she started to develop feelings for the girl, even if they never spoke. Mey-Rin steadied her nerves and hesitantly placed her finger on the trigger. She was about to shoot when (y/n) crouched down next to the little girl and started talking.

     Mey-Rin was far away so she couldn't hear what they were saying, but she could she the emotion in each of their eyes. Soon (y/n) got up and the little girl jumped into her arms. The little girl was crying with a sad smile on her face.

Mey-Rin put down her gun. There was no way she could shoot (y/n) now. It looked like (y/n) was the little girl's last chance, and Mey-Rin could not possibly take that from her. Not for all the money in the world. She picked up her gun and walked off into the night.


     That was a little over a year ago. Mey-Rin was now a maid at the Phantomhive manor. She was good at defending her new home, but she wasn't good at the maid part; because of this Sebastian decided to hire more help.

     The three servants were standing silently at the bottom of the stairs as Sebastian spoke to them. He was going on and on about their performances, and how he hired an extra maid, and how they need to treat her with respect. When he was done talking the door opened slightly and the head of a girl popped in.

     "Now that you've talked me up am I allowed to come inside?" an angelic voice asked. Mey-Rin squinted at the girl. She looked familiar.

     "This is out new maid" Sebastian said with a smirk. "(Y/n) (L/n)"

     The memories crashed over  Mey-Rin like waves. The little girl, that lonely night, the target she never killed.

     "You may come in (y/n)."

     (Y/n) walked in with a bright smile. Her hair was done in an updo and she looked adorable in her maid outfit. She looked older than she did a year ago, but it was still, undoubtably, her.

"Hello everyone. I am the new maid, (y/n), and I look foreword to working with each and every one of you." She said kindly, curtsying at the end.

"You two" Sebastian's voice boomed as he pointed two long slender fingers at Finnian and Bardroy, "get back to work." With that being said the cook and the gardener scurried off. "Mey-Rin, will you show our new maid around?" He asked sweetly. He knew about the history between her and (y/n).

"O-of course Sebastian" she studded before walking off, motioning for (y/n) to follow.

     (Y/n) fell in step behind Mey-Rin and continued to smile while Mey-Rin blushed furiously. She had developed feelings fir the new maid when she was her target and they were still there. She never even got rid of her file.

     Throughout the day (y/n) followed Mey-Rin with a happy little bounce in her step. Mey-Rin was supposed to show (y/n) around and show her all her duties. All that really happened was Mey-Rin fumbling around more than usual with a deep blush in her face as (y/n) giggled and helped.

Mey-Rin was showing (y/n) how to make Ciel's tea and was doing a really good job until she slipped in a rag she left on the floor. (Y/n) rushed to help.

"Are you okay?" She asked helping her up.

Mey-Rin's blush worsened when she realized (y/n) was holding her hand.

"I-I-I'm f-fine!" She squeaked, pushing (y/n) away. As she pushed her away something fell out of her pocket. (Y/n) quickly picked it up and examined it. It was her old file. She opened it and smiled.

"I thought I knew you. I didn't recognize you without your glasses." Saying that (y/n) carefully approached Mey-Rin and removed her glasses. "There"

Mey-Rin's now uncovered eyes widened. "Wh-what do you mean "recognize" me?" Mey-Rin asked confused.

That caused (y/n) to smile even wider. "You followed me for weeks. Did you really think I didn't notice?" (Y/n) got even closer to Mey-Rin and pressed her lips onto hers. "That's me present to you for not killing me."

With that (y/n) walked back over to the tea like nothing happened. She threw Mey-Rin's glasses over her shoulder. "Your eyes are very beautiful"

Mey-Rin caught her glasses and quickly put them back on and smiled. She wasn't the only one who developed feelings for someone she never spoke to.


Ugh, I'm so sorry. That was really bad. I really just wanted to get a one shot put up and I rushed it and now I feel bad. Hardly edited.

Bye bye~

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