(Florida x Reader) One of those Days

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I feel like Florida is such an under appreciated character

It was just one of those days. One of those shitty days that you wished you had a remote that could just fast forward through. You dreaded every step you took that caused you to be anywhere near another human being. That's why you opted to stay in your room until you really needed something. Sadly, that only lasted about an hour after you woke up due to the chorus of growls that were radiating from your stomach. So you made your way down to the cafeteria in hopes to eat something. By now, you assumed that the director would be pissed that you didn't show up for training or the stupid A.I. Informative shit he wanted to go over. None of you even had A.I's yet so why did it matter?
The hallways were practically empty with the exception of a few soldiers in training here and there. You passed York who looked very tired and ready to collapse in bed. Everyone had been a little down lately. That is, everyone but Florida. He was always so happy and ready for anything thrown at him. It was crazy to think that he truly had one emotion and it was happiness. Honestly, it never upset you, actually the opposite. Whenever you had days like this he was the best.
"It looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." A simple statement came from behind you. From none other than Florida. He was dressed in typical lazy day attire, sweat pants and a t-shirt. Nothing exciting.
"Is everyone taking today off?" You hobbled forward toward him.
"Mhm, we sure are." He said enveloping you within his arms. You closed your eyes leaning deep into his chest. A smile crept onto his face watching you now. Truly, Florida loved when you were like this. He loved to pamper you and make you feel better. Never did he ask or push you to tell him what was wrong, unless you wanted to. He'd always give you your space if you needed it, and respected your personal life. Though, he was a big part of your personal life.
"Well, I want lunch. Just woke up-" you let out a big yawn and didn't bother to cover your mouth, "about an hour ago. I'm starving."
   "How about we walk a little further down the hall, you sit at a table, and I'll get our food?" He asked sweetly, taking long unnecessary pauses between his implied actions. Instead of making actual words you just nodded which rubbed your face into his stomach. He let out a laugh and opted to swing his arms under your legs and carry you. You didn't open your eyes, there was no point. You were safe with him. 
   "Change of plan, I've decided you need to get more rest. We're taking a detour back to your room." You felt his body physically turn around and begin back in the way you came.
"Mm, but I'm hungry.." Your voice trailed off.
"That's why I'm going to bring you something. Call it breakfast in bed if you may."
"But it's lunch time."
"Lunch in bed doesn't sound nearly as nice as breakfast. How about brunch in bed?"
"Does 12:00pm really count as brunch though?"
"It does in my book!" He said in a cheery tone, leaning his head down slightly to kiss the top of yours.
    After he got you situated in bed, which you said you could do yourself, he left. He was gone for a very short period of time, maybe five or ten minutes, before returning with a tray full of food. Well, not full. As full as you were allowed to make it. You sat up with your back leaning against the head board and your feet outstretched in front of you. Florida gently put the tray onto your lap and then climbed in. You scooted over a small bit to allow him the space he needed. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned most of your body weight onto him.
You picked at the food, not eating as much as you thought you could. You've always been told that your eyes were bigger than your stomach, and that was so true. Florida finished off what you didn't and laid the tray on the floor beneath him.
     With a full stomach and heavy eyes you relaxed into the pillow behind you. Florida reclined with you and kissed you lovingly on the cheek. From there it didn't take long until you were drifting in and out of a light doze. Sing-songy words sounded like whispers now as Florida hushed you to sleep. When you last checked he too had his eyes closed, and you assumed he still did. There was just something about Florida that always calmed you down and brought you back to reality. He was your confidence boost when you needed one. He was your sunshine on rainy days. He was just everything.
     He was the best, the absolute perfect one for you.

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