(AU!Sarge x Reader) Old-Fashioned

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This was so adorable and I had to write it right away. @AgentVermont I hope you like it!!

  "Um, excuse me?" You hailed the bustling bartender as he fulfilled drink orders and cleaned out dirty glasses. You'd been calling after him for fifteen minutes now, and to your dismay he refused to respond.
  Huffing, you slumped down on your stool and rested your chin in your balled up fist. It really wasn't even that busy here tonight, so why wouldn't he listen?
  You looked around the room, not particularly for anything. The dim lighting played into the clubbing atmosphere, as well as, the variations of music that played from all directions. There was a very retro glow coming from underneath the bar and at the border of the ceiling. After a long day working with assholes, you opted to come here to rewind a little with a drink or two. Nothing heavy enough that you'd black out, just enough that you'd begin to feel it on your walk home.
   "Ten dollars." Grif said from across the bar. He sat on a stool with Simmons and Sarge directly to his right. Donut stood behind the counter, but wasn't doing anything in particular.
   "Grif, have you looked at yourself lately? No sane person would go for that." Donut sassed, leaning against the counter and folding his hands together.
   "If you can't, you have't pay up." Sarge said resting his arm so he could lean in his seat enough to see Grif. "To everyone."
   "It'll be easy. Easy money. If I can, you all owe me ten, each." Grif said confidently, jumping up from his seat and pulling his work shirt, a button up, down to straighten it.
   "This isn't going to go well." Simmons groaned, watching his friend strut off toward you.
   "Hey there." Grif slid into the seat next to you. You glanced over at him and gave him a tight lipped smile.
   "Hi." You replied meekly, honestly you didn't want to deal with any guys tonight.
   "So, I haven't seen you here before. You from around here?" He swayed his head from side to side and lifted his chin slightly upward.
   "I'm actually here quite a bit." You cut your words sharply, trying your best to stay polite while still giving off a 'get away from me' vibe. The bartender walked past again but ignored you.
   "Oh, well..." It was as if he had no words left, "cool." He swallowed hard, it usually wasn't that hard to get someone to talk to him. Your responses were just so curt and simple, it made it difficult.
   "Look, I've had a long day." You turned in your seat to face him, "Next time I'm here, I'd be happy to talk more. Right now, though, no thank you." That was polite, right? Sure it was.
   "Yeah, right. I'll see you around." Grif smiled awkwardly and turned back toward his friends mouthing 'wow'.
   "Looks like you owe us ten dollars." Sarge held his hand out. Grif grumbled and pulled out his wallet, stuffing the bills into their open hands.
   "It's not my fault! I bet they're into the more intellectual type. Simmons, why don't you give it a try." Grif reassumed his position.
   "I, no." Simmons sipped his beer and looked in another direction.
   "Come on, go try. You can't get turned down nearly as bad as I did."
   "I don't think that would be a very good-" but before he could finish his sentence, Donut had come around the counter and practically pushed him in your direction. He rolled his eyes and regained his footing.
   "H-hi." Simmons said almost at a whisper as he approached you. He pulled himself into the seat and faced you.
   "Hi." You said again, annoyed now. This guy was obviously with the other one, considering he came from the seat next to him. "Did your friend send you over here?"
   "No!..." He paused, "yes."
   His nervousness was kind of cute, but you didn't have time for this. It was 10:00pm right now and you had to be awake at 7:00am to get on the bus for work.
   "I'm (Y/N)." You held your hand out to him, he shakily took it and greeted you.
   "It's nice to meet you Simmons." 
   "Y-yeah, you- you too! (Y/n)..." His face was so intensely red right now.
   "I'll see you around." You finally decided to just get up and move somewhere else. Luckily, a small table with some comfy chairs around it was calling your name.
   "You fucked it up, dude." Grif laughed as Simmons shamefully walked back to his friends.
   "They just weren't having it." Donut added.
   "You two are pathetic." Sarge grunted, taking a large drink from his glass and rising from his seat. "You obviously don't know how to charm a lady."
   "You think you can do any better, old man?" Grif taunted.
   "I'll prove that I can."
   Great, another one of them was coming toward you. Just what you wanted. You couldn't get a drink, and you had to deal with desperate guys looking for a quick hook up. There was something different about this one, though. He walked without that shame filled confidence, but instead a very gentleman-like posture. Visibly, he was older, but not insanely old. 
  "How many of you are there?" You asked as he made it up to the table. The man chuckled and replied, "Mind if I join you?"
  "It hasn't stopped your friends yet, so go ahead." You motioned to the seat and he sat down.
  "The names Sarge," he flashed you a smile, "and who do I have the pleasure of sitting with?"
  "(Y/N)." You grinned a little.
  "Lovely name, well, (Y/N) it's nice to meet you."
  "-and you too, Sarge."
  You saw a waiter coming by and motioned to him, but got ignored. You sighed and sat back in your seat. Sarge must have noticed because he immediately called out to the server.
  "What can I get for you two?"
  "Can I get a farmhouse ale, and-" he looked to you, "anything that they'd like."
  It wasn't often a guy offered to buy you a drink like this, the waiter looked to you.
  "Ill just have a Manhattan, thanks."
  He nodded and walked over to the bar.
  "Thank you, I've been trying to flag them down all night." 
  "It's the least I could do. Y'haven't turned me away yet."
  The music changed from your typical club music quickly to what sounded like Frank Sinatra-esq. modern music. There was less brass instruments and more flow. It was nice. You happily looked around at the club, realizing most of the work crowd had left and was replaced with a few late night partiers. It was a Wednesday, so it wasn't surprising how empty it was.
   Your drinks were delivered and you sat there for what felt like ten minutes just talking with Sarge. So those other guys were his employees. He managed some business in town. You told him about your job and your life. He seemed so interested, it was a very different experience.
  "Oh, geez. I lost track of time." You checked your phone, 12:00pm. You had to be ready for work in seven hours.
  "Do you have enough time for a quick dance?" Sarge rose from his seat and offered his hand to you. Honestly, you didn't but how could you pass? A cute slower song was playing but not excruciatingly slow. The club atmosphere had faded out and had become more of a bar feel. The young crowd had left for more exciting places, leaving only a few who obviously had long days.
  "Why not." You accepted his offer and took his hand.
   You weren't the best on your feet but he made it work. Strangely, he had impeccable footing and rhythm. His movements melted into yours and you found yourself steady in his arms. It had been a long time since you felt like this. Completely and utterly relaxed, calm, especially with a man. You didn't just date for fun like most did. Dating had a purpose, to find someone to live out the journey that is life together. Maybe you'd found him?
  The song ended and you rested your hands on Sarge's shoulders. "Okay, now I really have to go." You smiled. His hands were resting respectfully on your waist, rather than your hips. You wrote your number down on a small scrap piece of paper you had in your purse and offered it to him.
"I'd love to see you again." You started, "Give me a call sometime."
"That would make my day." He replied, accepting the paper and putting it into his wallet.
You didn't know whether it was the moment or the fact that you'd had a few too many drinks, but something in your body urged you to kiss him. You quickly pressed your lips to his and pulled back.
Gently he caressed your cheek and moved his hand to the back of your neck. His other gripped onto your chin and tilted your head upwards.
"Dammit." Grif said, watching the entire thing go down. He and Donut had a bet going that Sarge wouldn't make it far with you. Grif said he'd last ten minutes, Donut firmly believed he'd hit it off with you.
"Pay up." Donut stuck his hand out and tapped on his palm. A smug smile was spread across his face. Grif grumbled and took his wallet out for the second time that night.
"That smooth son of a bitch."

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