In Their Own Time (Washington x Reader)

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   After years of constant battle, of watching your good friends pass away, of the stinging pain ensued by cuts and bruises, it was finally over. The wars, the battles, the arguments: all gone.
  You had no idea what you would do next, maybe you'd finally try to join one of those book clubs. You had all the time you wanted to watch the stars, to get a pet, possibly even find love. That's the ultimate goal, right? To be able to find that special somebody who makes your heart race at the simple though of them? To have small fights that ultimately end in heartfelt apologies and fancy dinners. To bring new life into the world and eventually grow old together. That's the goal.
   "(L/N) is completely blind, might as well turn their visor off." Tucker scoffed, his arms crossed lazily over his chest, watching you and Washington carrying on in a meaningless conversation. "How can they not even see it?"
   "Okay, but so is Washington. Seriously? Look at them!" Grif motioned forward at the two of you without catching your attention.
   "I'm going to say something." Tucker started off toward you but Grif stopped him with an extended arm. Grif knew how you felt when somebody intruded on your personal life, you didn't like it. He shook his head and tugged him back to their perch on the wall.
   "No, just leave them alone."
   "Why? It's so damn obvious!" Tucker whined in a childish, squeaky voice.
   "They'll get together when they do."
   "Who will?" Carolina chimed into the conversation, meaning Church was along side too. It only took a small nod in your direction for her to know instantly what they were talking about. "Oh," she sighed, kicking her leg against the wall and leaning back, "yeah I wouldn't be butting in on that." She laughed, letting out a small puff of air.
   "I second that, or...third that? I don't fucking know." Church appeared next to Carolina, glowing his usual bluish tint.
   "They'll get together in their own time."


   "(Y/N)?" It came out much softer than he intended, his voice coasting through his lips at a whisper.
   The cold autumn air was blowing high above the base, the tops of the trees swaying slightly in the wind. The sound of leaves rustling and a quiet crashing of ocean waves were the only sounds you could hear. Your head lay gently tucked between his arm and his chest, but mostly on him. His fingers were laced perfectly between yours, his other arm holding you close.
  "Yeah?" You replied meekly, matching his tone.
  He shifted his body to face you, one hand holding you close, the other cupping your cheek. His eyes burnt into yours, filling you with a sudden warmness that was once not there.
  "What are we?" You could see lines crease on his forehead, a look of curiosity and concern streaking across his face. "To each other, what are we?" He repeated, his voice staying constant.
  "What do you want us to be?"
  "I want us to be," he said confidently before trailing off. "I want us to be a couple, an item, together."
  You stared at him, you hadn't really expected him to say that all of a sudden. He sighed and looked downward, casting his attention away from you. Your lack of response seemed to upset him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Let's just, head back inside." He shuffled around, but stopped when you caught his hand. He stared intently at it, then looked to you with hopeful eyes.
  "I'd like that." You said, tightening your grip on his fingers. "I'd really like that."
  He pressed his lips together forming a big goofy smile.
  It took awhile for the two of you to become fully comfortable with this new status, but you managed to eventually. The others were very welcoming of it and were genuinely happy for you. Tucker would make jokes about how "if you hurt (L/N) you're in for a world of pain" and Church would throw out his own about how he'd "mess him up". Wash took it lightly and would laugh awkwardly, ensuring them he wasn't planning on it. Caboose was overjoyed, maybe even happier than either of you. They all acted surprised at first, but deep down they knew it would happen all along.

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