(Tucker x Reader) Foolish

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Arrogant, that's what Tucker was. He was a perverted asshole who needed to either settle down or drop your relationship all together.
You loved Tucker, you would never deny that. Whether he loved you as well or not was the question at hand. He never abused you, verbally, physically, or mentally, ever. He would never even think of it. Though, with him constantly flirting and hitting on other women, you started to feel like he'd forgotten who he was dating.
  "Excuse me?" You spat, filled with anger by now.
  Tucker followed you down the hallway. Stress levels were through the roof right now from being separated from the others.
  "I said, what the hell is your problem?" He stomped after you. Your face was red hot and your stomach was turning. Fighting always made you feel terrible.
  "My problem?" You scoffed. You stopped walking and turned abruptly to face him, "I don't know, Tucker. Figure it out! It's pretty damn obvious."
  "Well if it was obvious, I would probably know." He rested his hands on his hips and bit the inside of his mouth.
  "I'm not dealing with this anymore." You sighed, your voice now much lower and slightly more calm.
  "Dealing with what?" His voice was strained and still very bothered.
  You shook your head and just left him standing in the middle of the hall. If he couldn't figure it out himself, he'd never figure it out. The only person you had complained to it about was Donut, and he wasn't even with you. Felix had picked up on it a few times, but never addressed him about it.
  It had been a day since the initial fight with Tucker. He had refused to come into your room last night to sleep next to you. He didn't come to breakfast and ate lunch across the room from you. Of course, with a few of the girls he was flirting with. You were getting the cold shoulder from one girl you chose to train. She didn't like how you "treated" Captain Tucker.
  "He seriously still hasn't figured it out?" Felix asked, his arms crossed over his chest. You were loading blanks into one of your guns for training later on.
"He's stupid." You muttered, pushing the cartridge into the gun. "-but, he's mine."
"Yeah?" He let out a quick laugh, "You must really care about him."
  You glanced over at Tucker who was talking to your female solider, most likely flirting. "I really do."
  "He's an idiot." Felix stated, uncrossing his arms and motioning over to Tucker.
  "What?" You replied, slightly confused. I mean, you agreed with him, but were baffled as to why he said that.
  "He's got a great person like you behind him, and he acts like this? Pfft-" he shook his head, "It's like he doesn't even value you."
"He's just...dumb. We'll work it out, don't worry about it Felix."
  "Maybe someone should talk to him."   
  "No. I mean- I'll talk to him."
  "Whatever you say."
  Though, you didn't have to talk to him at all. Either he actually picked up on it, or Felix mentioned something to him. Because that night he came into your room.
   "Can we talk?" He pushed the door slightly ajar and peeked his head through. You were sprawled out on the bed, a very fuzzy blanket covering you. They could not have given you a colder room if they tried. 
   "Depends." You propped yourself up on your forearm. "About what?"
   "Good or bad?"
   "Outcome will be good. My stupidity was bad." He moved so that his entire body was in the room. The door shut behind him and he advanced slowly toward your bed.
   "Go on."
   "I'm sorry." His eyes were evading yours, his attention directed toward toward his hands. "I didn't realize what I was doing."
   "Okay." You replied, urging him to go on.
   "-I think it's a second nature type of thing..." He said as you gave him a quizzical look. "-b- but I can fix it! I can work on it." He held his hands up defensively. "I don't want to lose you."
   "You were never going to lose me, Tucker."
   "I don't want to make you feel," he paused to look for the word, "neglected either...o-or like I was cheating on you. Because (Y/N), I promise I'd never."
   "I know."
   "I didn't realize how lucky I was." He sat on the edge of your bed, his hand reaching out for yours. "I'll change my habit, if it means you'll stay with me."
   "I wouldn't leave unless you told me to."
   "I want you to stay."


   Tucker had been working on it, a bit...too much. He was very enthusiastic about your relationship and insisted he show you off to everyone. He would still talk to the female soldiers but if they even tried to flirt, it would be put to an end.
   "Good morning Captain Tucker!" A young soldier greeted happily as she and a small group ran up to the two of you. Even through the visor you could see a look of dread as she noticed your fingers laced together.
   "Morning Privates." Tucker greeted, giving them a small wave. He had also become surprisingly more professional. Yes, he still mocked soldiers and did his victory dances, but in a classier way. Classier, as in, he had you play music.
   "We were wondering if you'd like to join us for breakfast?" One soldier asked, ending the awkward silence.
   "Oh yeah, and for the morning training session too!" Another said.
   You felt Tucker's grip tighten on your hand. He then said, "Sorry ladies, I'll be with Captain (Y/N) today."
   "What about tomorrow?" One said.
   "-and tomorrow." He replied.
   "The next day?"
   "All booked."
   "What about the day after that?"
   You smiled beneath your helmet, mostly at how childish this conversation was, but partly at how happy it made you seeing him deny the company of the flirty soldiers.
   "Sorry," he finally said, "I'll just always be busy."
   "With what?" A, slightly annoyed, soldier asked.
   "My..." Oh god, here it comes. "Girlfriend!" He slipped a hand under your legs and another behind your back as he hoisted you into his arms. You let out a small squeal, but hid it behind laughter.
   "Sorry ladies, gotta go." Tucker said, walking past them with you in his arms. You couldn't see it, but could sense the huge smug grin he had on his face.
   This happened all the time now.

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