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''It's time for a little pop quiz.''  The whole entire class started moaning and groaning. I wasn't prepared for a pop quiz but I'm always passing them surprisingly. I guess you can say I am one those students who are the Teacher's Pet but I don't try to be , the teacher just loves me because I actually work and I never start drama like most of these childish teenagers up in here. I cleared my desk and looked up at the clock. The tardy bell was about to go off in ''1 , 2 ,3.'' the bell rung and Kian came running getting the door almost shut in his face.  Everyone laughed at him and his ignorance but I personally didn't find it cute at all.  Kian Lawley is the most popular guy in school and everyone loves him , except me of course. Everyone bows down to him and I'm pretty sure he sleeps around with every girl in the school. He calls them sluts but I call them girls who have low self-esteem because those girls are easier to get into bed so he tells them what they wanna hear and since they don't know any better they quickly fall into that trap and he ends up getting what he wants and then he never talks to them again. Basically, he only has sex for bragging rights , not because he's in love or  just dating anyone.

''Kian , next time you're getting detention.'' Mrs. Davis told Kian as he sat down in his seat which was right beside me. Although I didn't' like him and he didn't like me  , he never really picked with me because I guess he knew that I wasn't the one who would take his bullshit without clapping back.  I'm not afraid of him and he learned that during Freshmen Year. I'm not gonna explain what happened back then but now we're Seniors and he's still the same fuckboy he was a few years ago. 

''Is this pop quiz gonna be multiple choice?''  Andrea asked.

''Yes , so it should really be an easy A.'' Mrs.Davis smiled as she sat down in her seat and directed her attention towards her laptop.  I immediately started my test.  The only reason the test was easy is because she makes it in a way where we can understand it. Like , It has a question on here.

''What Movie Does Jackie Chan Star In With Chris Tucker.''  that's easy . It's Rush Hour 1 ,2 and 3.  She was pretty much a cool ass teacher and everyone loved her for that but they would still complain about having some surprise test. 

''Mrs. Davis , this question doesn't make any sense , It says that Justin Bieber is 5th in line but If 10 people skipped him , Should he tell them to go to the back of the line or does he just let it slide?''

''what's so hard about that question?'' everyone focused their attention towards Kian , including me. I wonder what stupid shit he's gonna say now.

''Well I think he should tell them to go to the back of the line but this is a question like , him doing the right thing and him doing the right thing.''  He can't do two rights. Cause if he let's them skip him then he'll be doing a nice thing that could be looked at as right but if he tells them to go to the back of the line that would be the nice thing to do but they might get an attitude and take it the wrong way so who's really winning in this situation? someone's gonna get hurt.

Yanno What? Although Kian wasn't the brightest kid but he did have enough logic to get his point across , I give him that. he puts up a damn good argument sometimes. He could be somebody's lawyer one day if he tried hard enough . I mean that wasn't a very good argument but he can do better.

''Kian , just pick one.'' He rolled his eyes and instead of picking one he wrote something under the answers , he made up his own answer basically. 

I shook my head before turning back towards my test and finishing it very quickly.

''done already Mr. Caylen?''  I got up and handed her my test.

''Yes , Like Always.''  Everyone was giving me dirty looks but I didn't care , it wasn't anything new.

The Sexuality Project.➵ j.c.k.l. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now