Chapter 2

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I look at the list of people from all the races throughout tonight and see who's racing.

1- James Montgomery #1
2- Matt Hunter #21
3-Dan Ashford #44
4-Seth Aldrich #2
5-Martin Axe #170
6-George Gram #143
7-Brock Man #10
8-Scott Smitth #33
9-Patch Kurt #201
10-Jonathon Jamison #38
11-Francisco Bussan #134
12-Zach O' Conner #100
13-Griffin Hook #119
14-Luke Green #90
15-Marcus Wilson #22
16-Erwin Mayweather #79
17-Patrick Walter#9
18-Blake Walberg #800
19-Bryson Stark #77
20-Evan Mark #66

"James Montgomery is racing again." Adriana says.

"I know." I say as my leg bounces up and down nervously.

"Beat that bastard." I mumble to myself.

Like usual they all line up and start their engines. When the buzzer goes off I see James Montgomery's gate go down faster than everyone else's giving him a head start.

"Oh my god!" I scream standing up.

Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy and I sit back down.

I watch as two bikers speed up and when they get in front of Matt, slow down, and cut him off.

"No, no, no!" I say.

"What?" Adriana asks.

"He can't do that!"

"Do what?!"

I can't do anything. I watch as Matt gets blocked and James gets in the lead.

Lap after lap Matt tries to get by, but the two bikers, Dan Ashford and Seth Aldrich, keep him back. Throughout the laps the two keep him back.

At last on the last lap Dan and Seth mess up and Matt finds a gap between the two and gets by pushing into second.

"Come on, come on." I say.

He goes as fast as he can to catch up, but James still finishes before him. Once they are both past the finish line I get up and run to the entrance of the pit.

"Hey." I say to the guard.

"You again." He says.


"What do you want this time?"

"Um... I need to find my friend." I say as sweetly as I can for how angry I am.

"I'll get him." He says leaving.

When he comes back Matt is with him looking as pissed as I do.

"How are you?" I ask letting the anger seethe through my lips.

"Pissed. You?" He replies.


"I can't believe he did that." I say.

"I can."

"That's illegal."

"I know."

"Not only did he have those guys keep you from getting first he also bribed the mechanic and his gate went down faster than everyone else's."

He doesn't say anything, but I can see the anger rolling off him in waves.

"We need to tell them." I say.

"It's his word against ours. And like you said he's been bribing people so they will deny they ever helped." He replies.

I'm about to say something when the devil himself walks through the door.

"You. You're dead!" I lay lunging towards him only to be held back by Matt, again.

"He's not worth it." He whispers in my ear.

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