Chapter 6

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"Daniel Donovan?" Matt asks in shock.

"Yeah." I say slowly trailing off.

"How come I didn't know he had a daughter?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, even though I was glued to my dad at the hip when I was younger, he tried to keep me out of the spotlight. If you were younger when my dad, like a few guys when we were at the airport, I guess they would remember and noticed who I was."

"People noticed you?" He asks.

"I'm not that invisible." I comment a little harsher than intended.

"No I don't mean it like that, it's just. You were so young and now you're like older." He explains.

"I guess they were really big fans. You weren't the only one giving out autographs." I laugh.

"You gave an autograph?" He says laughing.


"Coco Donovan." He says testing out the name.

"Well, actually it's Colette. I just go by Coco, or C, or CC, or the new one Corey."

"That's why you don't want to race because you think people will recognize you."

"Ding, ding, ding we have a winner."

"But it still doesn't make sense on why you don't want anybody to recognize you."

"Well, a little after he died from his 'accident,' which wasn't really an accident, it came out in the news that he was kinda into some bad things, so it gave my family a bad reputation and therefore it was just safer for me to I guess go into hiding."

"Well," he nods in understanding and then begins sitting down next to me, "if we get a wig some makeup and some colored contacts I think you'd make a great boy."

"Thanks." I say sarcastically.

"No seriously, I mean you could race with the girls, but like I said you're way better than them. And if you dress like a guy you could race with us and have some real competition for once."

"I get it, I do and it sounds amazing, but I came to help you win not to start racing again."

"The offers still up there. Just think about it."

"Okay, I will." I say giving in.

"Now, you need sleep because we have four more days to practice for the race. Plus, we need to find David Slogan."

"Okay, okay," Matt says while walking out, "goodnight."


The next morning I burst into Matt's room. I jump on his bed and here an OOF.

"Get up!" I scream in his ear.

"Ow!" He says putting his head under the pillow.

"We gotta practice." I pull the blankets off him and he stays laying there in just his shorts.

I'd say after seeing him shirtless once it doesn't affect me, but that would be a lie.

I go into the bathroom and start the shower. I walk back into the room to see Matt still laying there.

"Lets go Matt. I started the shower, get in, get dressed and meet me at the track. We can give this Corey thing a test run." I say walking out, but not before I see Matt running into the bathroom after I say Corey.

I walk into my room and grab my phone. I'd already taken a shower and gotten dressed, so I walk downstairs and go to my bike.

I drive to the AT&T Stadium where they are holding the race. When I get there a bunch of the racers are on the track testing it out.

I see Trey Matin #89 practicing his turns. Erwin Mayweather #79 just goes through the track looking like he's just trying to get a feel for it. Dean Kin #63 sits in the pit smoking and talking to his buddies John Holloway #82 and Sam Oakley #32.

I put my hair in a pony tail and tuck it into my helmet. I then head down to the pit we're I ride the track and wait for Matt.

After a few laps I hear someone yell, "hey!"

I turn to see James Montgomery shoving someone. I stop where I am on the track, which I know is dangerous, but I do it anyway. I look closer to see that it's a girl. One of the Supercross girls, Miss Supercross specifically.

They're in a secluded part of the pit, so that's why body guards haven't cut in yet. I get there and pull James away from her and step in between them.

"Hey buddy, this isn't your scene. So leave before I hurt you too." James says menacingly.

I don't move. Not an inch. If my lessons in self defense and practice with UFC fighters has taught me anything it's to never act like you are afraid. And to be honest I was terrified. But I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Leave the girl alone." I say through the helmet that's still on my head trying to make my voice sound manlier than it is.

"Look man," he begins not giving any indication that I was a girl, "we just have a misunderstanding. Move aside and it'll all be okay."

"Misunderstanding my ass." I comment to myself.

I stay were I am and say, "look man, get lost or I'm going to call security."

"Who do you think they're going to believe?" He says getting closer, "me or you?"

Before I can make another comment another voice cuts in, "leave them alone?"

I look over James shoulder and see Matt standing there looking livid.

"To the rescue, again. First the pretty little brunette now Miss Supercross and a weird racer who doesn't take off his helmet." James laughs.

James turns to Miss Supercross, "this isn't over," then he turns to me.

When he leaves I can't help, but burst out laughing.

"You almost just died and you're going to laugh?" Matt says to me.

"I laugh in the face of death, Ha." I quote.

"Lion king?" He asks.

"You know it."

"Excuse me, but I'm the traumatized girl here." Says Miss Supercross behind me.

Matt walks by me, "you okay?" He asks Miss Supercross.

"Yes, now that you're here." She says pushing her boobs up and giving a very unconvincing puppy dog face.

Something inside me gets hot and I feel like I'm burning. I turn away from the two and get back on my bike. All I know is that I'm going to race the feeling out of me until I pass out, and that's exactly what I do.

I help Matt with his training again doing it from a far so no one knows he's getting help, let alone from a girl.

Throughout the day I stay in a bad mood and if Matt seems to notice he doesn't comment on it.

When training's over I tell Matt I'll meet him at the hotel. I leave the stadium before he says anything and get to the hotel. I park my bike and take my helmet off. When I get to my hotel room the first thing I do is take a shower.

I sit in the shower letting the hot water run over my body. The sweat and water roll down my the curves of my body. I take the shampoo washing my hair. Then the conditioner like every normal shower.

I stay in the shower for an hour. I've never done that before. I get out drying myself with the towel then going in my room to change into some clothes. I call Shane asking if Matt is at the hotel yet.

Shane says he isn't. I leave the hotel getting a cab. I give him the address of David Slogan. It doesn't take long before I arrive. I pay  the cab driver and walk up the steps of the mansion.

I ring the doorbell. After a few seconds the door slowly swings open revealing the thirty year old.

He smiles, "Hello Colette."

"Hello David."

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