Chapter 5

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The next morning I wake up. I'm so excited. My bike is coming today. I never really liked being away from my bike for that long.

I run out of the hotel, still wearing my pajamas, and look around the parking lot. I search and search until my eyes land on my bike sitting right next to Matt's.

I run to it and hop on it. Not trusting the mover guys I take the keys and start the engine making sure everything is in the same condition I left it in.

Not caring for my current look I start to drive. I go onto the main road and weave through traffic. When there's a stop light I stop, obviously.

I look to my left to see a guy checking me out in a red Ford F150. I scoff and when the light turns green speed past him.

Once my little joy ride is over I go back and park my bike. I walk back into the hotel to see Matt at breakfast with Shane.

When Matt sees me he smiles and waves me over.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." Matt responds.

"Okay, listen coco." Shane begins and I start to think the worst.

Is he going to get rid of me?

"Yes." I say keeping my composure.

"We don't want them to know that the girl Matt brought is teaching him. So when you go you're going to be acting like a boy. You'll keep your helmet on and have your hair tucked in. You'll have ear piece in so y'all can talk to each other without actually interacting."

"Oh, I thought you were going to get rid of me. That's nothing. I can do that." I say.

"Great!" Matt says.

"When do we go?" I ask.

"Once you're ready." Says Matt eyeing what I'm wearing, "unless you want to go like that."

"Perv. I'll be back." I say.

I get ready in my gear meeting Shane and Matt at our bikes.

Shane gives me an earpiece and Matt and earpiece. We both put our helmets one and then test it out.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi." He replies.

I nod at Shane telling him that it works.

We get on our bikes and go to the Cowboy's Stadium where the race is being held.

Once we get there we go to the pit. There are a bunch of racers here. The best of the best. I can't help but act like a kid in a candy shop.

"Check in." Says a security guard.

Matt takes his helmet off and talks, "I'm Matt Hunter, this is a friend that's with me."

"What's your friends name?" He asks.

"Corey." He says.

I look at him and he just shrugs.

"Okay, you may go."

Matt puts his helmet on and I talk to him, "Corey?"

"I couldn't say Coco." He says.

"Yeah, get it." I reply.

"What if I fall?" He asks me. I can hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Then fall. It's okay. We could bring that to our advantage when people think you're bad. Then in the race you beat them and then their like, 'crap.'"


"Are you British now?" I ask laughing.

"No." He replies. I can hear the frown in his face and laugh harder.

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