Chapter 8

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The next morning I joined Matt in his session with Dave. We didn't tell him about me joining men's racing. He just thinks I'm joining women's racing.

I'm not as tired as Matt was the first day, but I can tell you that it's been a while since I had an intense work out like that.

Matt wasn't as tired as the first day which was good, but we still had to go to AT&T stadium to practice on that track and get more familiar with it.

Instead of entering as Colette I entered as Corey. All the other races would have gotten the message that a new racer was coming from their coaches.

When I entered I had my helmet on so no one could tell I was a girl. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy and some confused because no one had any information on me. I wouldn't be surprised if some people asked their coaches for a background check on me and found nothing. Like I had just popped out of nowhere. They probably wouldn't find anyone because Corey Donovan wasn't even a real person.

I got on my bike at the starting point and started. I went lap after lap around the track. The racers that were on the track got off and watched and those on the sideline watched as well. Everyone was shocked. I wasn't focusing on them. I was focusing on my father and thinking about how I was doing this for him.

When I was done I saw Matt with a proud look on his face. I went over to him.

"What's up?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Just watching one of the greatest racers ever." He responded while the other racers watched us.

"Don't mistake me for my father." I whisper.

"I'm not."

I scoff and go to the pit to look at my bike. I still keep my helmet on.

"Hey dude." Someone says and I look up to see none other than James.

"Sup." I respond turning back to my bike.

"You had some wicked skill." Something I didn't think he of all people would admit.

"Thanks" I respond not looking his way.

"I think it'd be beneficial for the both of us if you just left."

And there was the James I knew, "beneficial to me or you?"

"Me." He says.

"No." I say.

"You have no idea who I am." He says.

"Actually I do," I say, "James Montgomery. Won 2014 and 2015 AMA Suprecross championship. You're going for your third win, right? Sponsored by Monster Energy. Thinks he's the best to ever race. Sleeps with every single girl. Cheats in races. Bribes racers. I think I've got you down pretty well, am I wrong?"

The anger that rolls off him is almost comical.

"You have no idea the people I know." He says his face getting red hot with anger.

"No," I say getting in his face, "you have no idea the people I know."

He looks scared for a second but slowly covers it, "We'll see about that."

He walks away and goes to the track, obviously to burn off some steam.

Matt comes over looking from James to me, "So another encounter with you and James."


"What'd he say?"

"How it would be beneficial for both of us if I just left. Then he practically threatened me, but to be fair I threatened him back." I smile evilly.

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