Chpater 12

520 5 0

This was it.

The big race.

This was for all the marbles.

And money. Lots and lots of money.

We were all in line, helmets in hand, staring at the huge crowd around us. There were thousands of people.

At the front was James Montgomery, of course, since he was the winner of the past two championships. Then there was the rest of us which were considered a bunch of nobody's in his eyes. I stood next to Matt ironically and I of course had my makeup done to where I looked like a boy.

"Looking good." Matt says next to me waving at the crowd.

"Feeling good." I respond.

They let us go to the pit to make sure our bikes are in check.

"Well, well, well." James says walking up to me, the same line he said the first time I met him which now seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Yes." I ask in a deeper voice than my normal one.

"Don't you look like a guy."

I laugh, "what're you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb Coco." He says repeating the line he's said on me before.

"How original."

"I could expose you to the whole world right now if you don't drop out of this race." James says angrier than ever.

"What you don't think you can beat me without cheating?" I comment taunting him.

"I know I can beat a little skinny bitch like you."

"Then bring it on." I say turning away from him and going to the race.

There were a few races before the big one. I was in the first race and if I did good in my heat would qualify for the final race. James raced in the second race and Matt raced in the fourth race.

I look at the bored to see who I'm racing.

1- Scott Smitth #33
2- Tyler Coolman #20
3- Blake Walberg #800
4- Steven Berkman #14
5- Jonathon Jamison #38
6- Marcus Wilson #22
7- Corey Donovan #44
8- Patch Kurt #201
9- Evan Mark #66
10- Bryson Stark #77
11- Trey Matin #89
12- Hank Cannon #43
13- Luke Green #90
14- Grey Stewart #81
15- Erwin Mayweather #79
16- Dean Kin #63
17- Sam Oakley #32
18- Drake Winchester #11
19- Brock Man #10
20- John Holloway #82

A lot of these guys were in the first race I saw that Matt raced against. I know a lot of their tactics so this should be an easy one to win.

I go to the gate and wait for it to drop. The buzzer goes and we're off.

I cut two people off on the first turn of the track. There's four people in front of me that I need to pass to be in first. Hard, but not impossible. There were 25 laps in the race. After the 13 lap I pass the fourth guy putting my in fourth.

On lap 19 I pass the next guy putting me in third. On the 24 lap I pass the guy in second. I need to pass this first guy to make sure I'm in the final race and have the opportunity to race James. I book it speeding passed Trey Matin #89 on the last table top on the track. I'm in first and pass the finish line milliseconds before Trey does.

I take my helmet off and look at Trey, "good race."

He shakes my hand nodding, but doesn't say anything.

James and Matt both win their races which isn't surprising. James started off in first obviously since he cheated, again. Matt started off in second, but after the fifth lap made his was to first where he stayed there with no trouble and even lapped the guy in last place.

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